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do u enjoy your job? wat wud ur ideal job be?


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  • #31
    YES.... I love my job as a receptionist but it can be mega lonely. I work in a lovely glass 2 storey modern 'factory' with huge patio doors on all floors, in the summer it's heaven as the whole building seems to open up! We are surrounded by mature trees even some espalier apples on the old stone walls. we are lucky to have grounds at the back, including our football pitch. we get deer, woodpeckers, loads of wild life...heaven for me!
    My reception is big and airy! On a busy day it is fab fun!

    Ideal job....saving the country side!
    Last edited by Headfry; 05-06-2007, 11:17 AM.


    • #32
      Originally posted by TonyF View Post
      Today I am 60. In 1983 I was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder, sort of leukaemia in reverse and given 5 years so every day is a bonus.
      Happy birthday Tony! Long may you continue to prove them wrong!

      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


      • #33
        Ta Flummery, xx
        TonyF, Dordogne 24220


        • #34

          Happy birthday!

          Keep up the posts on what you do each day - they're the best part of the whole forum!!! They keep those of us stuck in offices in Blighty dreaming...


          • #35
            I'm a stay at home mum to my four children (9,7,5 and almost 2) and I love it more than anything else I've ever done! I've got a degree and a professional qualification and fully expected to be a full time working mum relying on nannies and nurseries but after a couple of unexpected turns of events, here I am and I can't imagine it any other way now!
            I was feeling part of the scenery
            I walked right out of the machinery
            My heart going boom boom boom
            "Hey" he said "Grab your things
            I've come to take you home."


            • #36
              Its so interesting to see what other people do in as a job!

              How nice that we are all so diverse, and spread out, but we have been able to find a common interest and talk about that (amongst other things!!)


              • #37
                Tony.....many happy returns!


                • #38
                  Happy Birthday Tony, may there be many, many, many more harvest for you yet our friend!
                  Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

                  'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

                  The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
                  Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
                  Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
                  On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


                  • #39
                    Happy Birthday or rather Bonne Anniversaire et Felicitations from me too.
                    Last edited by Earthbabe; 05-06-2007, 02:56 PM.
                    Bright Blessings

                    If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


                    • #40
                      Interesting Stuff!

                      I'm a "Consultant" - a techy/financy one. I drive/fly for hours every day to help people with their financial software all over the country and sometimes Europe. It's actually more fun than it sounds (sometimes), but give it a couple more years and it will have run me into the ground - so not sure its a career-long option.

                      The main downfall is trusting the garden watering to my husband while I'm away - he's not a gardener - he'd rather we didnt have a garden at all!

                      Ideal job - retirement! And I still have about 30 years to go!

                      Life is a spreadsheet


                      • #41
                        Sorry, how remiss of me - a very happy birthday Tony!!! And many many more to come ...!!
                        Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


                        • #42
                          Happy Birthday Tony! (And lots more to come!)


                          • #43
                            Resident Grounds Officer for last 25 years. Love my job and really love where I live!

                            PS Happy birthday Tony!
                            Last edited by Snadger; 05-06-2007, 05:28 PM.
                            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                            Diversify & prosper


                            • #44
                              Used to be a Long Distance lorry driver. Got to see all of Europe and into Russia and as far south as Turkey.It was a great job and I really liked it as I was pretty much left to my own devices as long as the loads got where they had to go when they had to be there.But as a married man 3-4 months at a time away from home wasn't the best recipie for a good marriage.Gave up the long distance and started to just do UK only work.The stress nearly killed me and the doctors told me to get out or I wouldn't live another two years. Not really much choice then - got out and looked round for a job . One was advertised in the paper for a Groundsman / Gardener in a local school so I thought" Why not?".Best decision I ever made. Although from a farming background I dont know a lot about plants but have managed not to kill to many - so far.. I now have time for my family and time for myself as well.
                              And the odd hour to spend here as well bringing my own brand of humour to you all wether you want it or not

                              P.s Happy birthday Tony.
                              Its my Tenth wedding aniversary today so I must go and enjoy myself. I think I deserve to - dont you?
                              There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore and who always will. Don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it in your future.


                              • #45
                                happy bday tony!
                                happy aniversary beefy!
                                I would like to work with teenagers, or be a travel writer, or a profesional kitesurfer, or a crofter, or a subsistence farmer, mmmmm
                                Yo an' Bob
                                Walk lightly on the earth
                                take only what you need
                                give all you can
                                and your produce will be bountifull


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