It seems that 65 feet is the magic number.
That is how far you seem to have to "relocate" a snail such that it's homing ability is no longer any use and it does not return to eat all the lovely grren plants that you are growing and want to see achieving maturity.
Reported this morning on BBC News, so it MUST be correct.
Slight difference of opinion on the report if you gently relocated them 65ft or if you had to be able to throw them 65ft.
Wonder if snail throwing is going to be included in the RHS courses: Pass = distance >=65ft, Fail = <65ft.
That is how far you seem to have to "relocate" a snail such that it's homing ability is no longer any use and it does not return to eat all the lovely grren plants that you are growing and want to see achieving maturity.
Reported this morning on BBC News, so it MUST be correct.

Slight difference of opinion on the report if you gently relocated them 65ft or if you had to be able to throw them 65ft.

Wonder if snail throwing is going to be included in the RHS courses: Pass = distance >=65ft, Fail = <65ft.
