I�ll list some bullet points to explain the complex problem.
1. My wife�s parents are relatively old as far as new grandparents go (late-60s).
2. Their health � both of them - has had a few wobbles in the last several years.
3. My wife�s brother lives with their parents due to him having serious health problems too.
4. Only my wife�s father drives a car.
5. They live in a relatively isolated village an hour away from us - and two hours away from any other relatives. We are the only realistic help they have if there is a problem.
On two occasions in the last several years my wife temporarily (a week or two each time) moved back into her old �box room� of a bedroom to stay with them and help them through a couple of her father�s serious illnesses (they had serious difficulties when he was medically unfit to drive).
On a handful of other occasions my wife has stayed-over for a couple of nights to help them or her brother out.
But we now have a young baby who keeps us very busy and we would like to try for another within a year or two.
But if my wife�s parents or brother have another �bad turn�, I worry that we�ll be expected to pick up the pieces while we�re trying to raise a young family of our own.
Worse still: my wife would probably have to move back into her box room for a week or two and leave me with one or more young children. There isn't room for both of us to move in; not even for a young child to go with her.
Before our baby was conceived we considered moving house to be closer so we could raise a family and support my wife�s ailing family. But we concluded that virtually everything about our current location was superior to where her parents live (and my wife didn't enjoy growing up in the isolated village where her parents still live).
However, my wife�s parents don�t seem keen on moving house to be closer, even if we offer to help out physically (clearing junk, moving their stuff in our 'van') and financially (my wife adding money to the pot to boost their housebuying budget) � probably because they�ve got quite used to us being able to dash over and help out.
But I don't think we'll be able to help them as much in future.
They certainly weren't able to offer us much help (three one-hour visits) during my wife's pregnancy or for the week she was kept in the busy/noisy/crowded/stressful hospital maternity unit afterwards (for observation; some strange readings but my wife didn't feel ill).
But I have a feeling they expect to get the past generous levels of help from us if they cry out.
Any ideas on what we should do?
1. My wife�s parents are relatively old as far as new grandparents go (late-60s).
2. Their health � both of them - has had a few wobbles in the last several years.
3. My wife�s brother lives with their parents due to him having serious health problems too.
4. Only my wife�s father drives a car.
5. They live in a relatively isolated village an hour away from us - and two hours away from any other relatives. We are the only realistic help they have if there is a problem.
On two occasions in the last several years my wife temporarily (a week or two each time) moved back into her old �box room� of a bedroom to stay with them and help them through a couple of her father�s serious illnesses (they had serious difficulties when he was medically unfit to drive).
On a handful of other occasions my wife has stayed-over for a couple of nights to help them or her brother out.
But we now have a young baby who keeps us very busy and we would like to try for another within a year or two.
But if my wife�s parents or brother have another �bad turn�, I worry that we�ll be expected to pick up the pieces while we�re trying to raise a young family of our own.
Worse still: my wife would probably have to move back into her box room for a week or two and leave me with one or more young children. There isn't room for both of us to move in; not even for a young child to go with her.
Before our baby was conceived we considered moving house to be closer so we could raise a family and support my wife�s ailing family. But we concluded that virtually everything about our current location was superior to where her parents live (and my wife didn't enjoy growing up in the isolated village where her parents still live).
However, my wife�s parents don�t seem keen on moving house to be closer, even if we offer to help out physically (clearing junk, moving their stuff in our 'van') and financially (my wife adding money to the pot to boost their housebuying budget) � probably because they�ve got quite used to us being able to dash over and help out.
But I don't think we'll be able to help them as much in future.
They certainly weren't able to offer us much help (three one-hour visits) during my wife's pregnancy or for the week she was kept in the busy/noisy/crowded/stressful hospital maternity unit afterwards (for observation; some strange readings but my wife didn't feel ill).
But I have a feeling they expect to get the past generous levels of help from us if they cry out.
Any ideas on what we should do?
