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The New Minor Rant thread....


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  • Dear Sutton Park visitors - how lovely to see SO MANY of you on this lovely sunny bank holiday Monday.

    Can I point out the we take our cr@p home with us, or put it in the bin? And if our wee nipper toddling along by the side of the buggy drops a wipe on the path in the park, and a stranger running by picks it up and hands it back with a cheery 'oops! Let's not leave litter in the park!' the grown up's response should be 'oh! thank you' AND NOT 'tut - it wasn't me wot dropped it'.


    • 3rd day working on my own in my new job and things have been hectic every single day for me!!


      • Liar's do tenants really believe that we and the agency do not communicate.
        Potty by name Potty by nature.

        By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

        We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

        Aesop 620BC-560BC



        • My dad has been poorly for a few weeks. The doc has given him another sick note for a few more weeks. He has the hospital in a few weeks to see a specialist as they think he has Leukemia. Feel pretty crappy at the moment. He is just matter of fact about it at the moment about diagnosis and treatment.


          • Unfortunately my wife has been admitted to hospital with breathing difficulties, she has been in 5 days now and seems no better. That is very worrying and is bad enough but it means i am having to look after our two learning dissability clients on my own which is draining. Then there are the phone calls from my wife "I need a couple of tops, trousers, leggins and pants. One top is white with black spots and is in the third draw down (we have three sets of draws) it turned out to be in the laundry room. So it was with every item, none were in the places she said, the green bottle of hair shampoo was in fact pink, the extra stong mints were not anywhere. I had no idea what leggins are etc etc. With the application of a little logic i have managed to halve the housework. Each member of the house is issued a a cup plate and knife and fork and are responsible for cleaning it for each meal. Non essential rooms are closed off so they dont need cleaning and danny the dog now has to get off the bed and walk to the kitchen if he wants a drink at night (my wife used to take a cup of water and give him a drink through the night!!!!) Curtains if left shut need no opening and closing twice a day although I have been asked if someone has died. All post goes into a box and may be answered one day. Cooking is not a problem because I have done most of it anyway for years. I am now off to shower our 74 year old guy, I really need a wet suit to do that because he gets it everywhere. As for the garden, its on hold. Apart from that i am ok.
            photo album of my garden in my profile


            • Someone has smashed the driver's side wing mirror on my car, and some other w@^ker has hacked my business a/c and removed £883 from it.

              On the plus side the bank have refunded the money immediately and seem to be much better at finding out what has happened since the last time this happened to me. They know it was by phone and not using chip and pin so it has to be a company I have bought something from over the phone as they used the card number and security number off the back. I don't buy much using this account as it's primarily a seller account.
              "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
              "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


              • Poor SWMBO in bed all day in agony with lumbago.

                I am doing a Bill.
                Potty by name Potty by nature.

                By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                Aesop 620BC-560BC



                • My mum (in her seventies) has been chucked by her 'boyfriend' while being treated for breast cancer.
                  He's a schmck.
                  I'm pleased that he's gone.

                  But Oh! the drama!
                  The endless "He she said...then he said..." phonecalls several times a day
                  The melodramatic pronouncements "I have nothing left to live for now anyway"

                  It's all so adolescent when there are more important things to worry about.
                  Especially when I have ACTUAL adolescents driving me mad at home as well!


                  • Novice and Bill, my thoughts are with you. Novice - My mother was diagnosed with Leukaemia over 15 years ago in her mid-seventies. She recently passed at age 90 and it's only the last couple of years that she started to struggle, for many years she didn't even need medication, just regular blood tests to keep an eye on it. What I'm trying to say is that a diagnosis isn't necessarily as bad as it may seem at the moment and I hope your father has many years yet.

                    My rant - I'm just back at work after 3 weeks off following my mother's death and my colleague (while sympathetic on the one hand) keeps going on and on and on about how busy it was while I was off and how she hasn't had a minute to do this, that or the other. This is a recurring theme even if I have a day's holiday. She seems to forget that in the 6 years we've worked together she's had 7 weeks for a broken ankle, 9 weeks for a gynae op and around another 6 weeks when a close relative of her own was dying of cancer, plus the usual few days here and there for minor ailments. I appreciate she's not really had anyone to moan at while I've been off but I just which she'd STFU, I don't care how many phone calls she had or about stuff that happened that's now irrelevant. I just want to get on with my job.


                    • To Novice and Bill. My OH was diagnosed with leukaemia but given a 95% chance of survival. He died 1 month later from pneumonia. He was just very, very, unlucky. It's survivable.
                      "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
                      "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


                      • Originally posted by JanieB View Post
                        To Novice and Bill. My OH was diagnosed with leukaemia but given a 95% chance of survival. He died 1 month later from pneumonia. He was just very, very, unlucky. It's survivable.
                        Chatting, sorry but I'd just like to add to that that my Mum had a bad bout of pneumonia just before Christmas from which she never fully recovered. Leukaemia is on the death certificate but it was the damage to her lungs what did for her, if not for that she would still be here..
                        Last edited by Plot10; 09-04-2015, 08:43 AM.


                        • To Bill and Novice - A huge round of applause from me with being able to cope with all the crop life is throwing at you and your loved ones at the moment.
                          I have found in times of complete stress it is very useful to put your fingers in your ears, turn around slowly and sing a daft song - yes I know pathetic but it is a great stress reliever when you realise how daft you must look.
                          p.s don't try that in Tescow's as security give you funny looks.
                          I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

                          Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


                          • Thanks Lumpy and everyone for support. Think my problem at the moment is waiting for him to go to hospital and have more tests to confirm stuff and to stop my mom going into meltdown.
                            I do have a sister by my mom and dad had a major bust over 10 years ago so my dad classes me as his only child. People are very surprised when I tell them I am the youngest.
                            My other problem is that I was a dad's girl so it actually quite hard for me to think of ever loosing him.
                            I am just waiting to see what happens to see what it is and what the treatment if any is. I am keeping busy planting seeds and potting stuff on. Had so many tomato plants I was a cheapskate and gave them out as Easter presents
                            The OH isn't helping. He is drinking as much and his excuse is it reminds him of when his mom had cancer. My ar@se it just called an excuse.
                            So at the moment I just feel a bit in limbo with no one to talk to.
                            A bit of a selfish view and then I think there are people out there in worse situations and I should just get on with it.


                            • NVG - you have my sympathies as I know only too well that families can be a nightmare. My Mom upset every family member and ended up not seeing her Mom or sister for 8 years before her Mom died even though they only lived 2 miles apart. My Dad moved to the States and I get a Christmas card if I'm lucky. He got himself a new family with 3 step sons. The rest of the family no contact with me or my kids because of what happened in the past - its a shame as THEY have missed out on so much.
                              Peoples reaction to cancer can be unexpected - my OH found out his B.I.L had prostate C and fell apart more than his normal mental health problems because of his experience with his Mom 30 years ago.
                              Try not to feel alone - your not even though we are only here in cyber space.
                              I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

                              Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


                              • Poor SWMBO still suffering, she may be even worse later........... she has got to eat my cooking.
                                Potty by name Potty by nature.

                                By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                                We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                                Aesop 620BC-560BC



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