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The New Minor Rant thread....


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  • Carpet fitters supposed to phone to say when they will be to fit new carpet.!! Have they phoned? Course not so I phoned carpet shop. I'll get them to phone you right back I was told. Two hours ago.

    Nowt worse than sitting waiting with an open time scale.


    • Coming home after picking my husband up, was about to post a reply on a thread, only to find the thread closed.

      I see no reason why the thread was closed and disagree with the decision made to close it.
      If someone has lost their smile, give them one of yours. :

      Children seldom misquote you. In fact they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said

      God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done


      • Originally posted by ancee View Post
        Old dog, in lots of pain. Arthritis already. Visit vet, thinking the worst. Vet convinces us to put him on metacam pain relief as a long term remedy. £30 consultation fee, £28 for medicine. Old boy picks up remarkably. Friend has bottle of metacam, also use that to save a bit of cash. Look online. Huge bottle is £16. Phone vet as you need a prescription to buy it. "Bring him in" said vet. "No need" said I, he just needs a prescription. "Bring him in" said vet I want to monitor him. "You have" said I "you said, 'put him on this, he will improve, he has, and it's working" "bring him in" said vet " I have to monitor him every ten days, and I can give you medicine every ten days" (£30 fee and £28 for medicine) EVERY TEN DAYS!! I am not rich. Who can afford that?! What a battle to get a prescription, nearly three hours off and on phone. Prescription cost £12, medicine ordered, enough for three months for £16. After this he can then be monitored again, and if ANYTHING at all happens to him, I'll take him again, but every ten days?! Fuming at the rip off tactics. I am not stupid or gullible, nor am I cruel. I love my boys, they have a great life and there is no way I will let them suffer, but I won't be taken for a fool. I can't afford to be anyway!
        Ooh! STILL mad! That sneaky vet only went and charged us for a prescription for a small bottle and the only way I can change it is to pay her again! The animal medication site I ordered from phoned me today, to say I can't have a larger bottle as it's not in the prescription. Nor can I order more than one, so that means.... Another expensive trip to the extortionist aka the vet. The person on the phone was lovely and very sympathetic and even said how sneaky and underhand they'd been. I'm not the only one with this problem, seems people are being ripped off everywhere. But it doesn't make me feel better. Does anyone know if vets have a kind of ombudsman monitoring them? 😔
        You may say I'm a dreamer... But I'm not the only one...

        I'm an official nutter - an official 'cropper' of a nutter! I am sooooo pleased to be a cropper! Hurrah!


        • Originally posted by ancee View Post
          Does anyone know if vets have a kind of ombudsman monitoring them? ��
          My Rant - Rip Off Merchants:

          Complaints & the RCVS | Vetlife
          Last edited by Bigmallly; 22-01-2015, 07:43 PM.
          sigpic“Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,”
          Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
          Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
          KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


          • Thanks BM I'll look into that. Frosty, I am. But, it's another consultation fee £30. Then another prescription fee £12. To be told what I already know. "He's poorly, this medicine makes him feel better. There's nothing else that can be done for him" really sad about it all actually. He's not even that old, just in the early stages of being knackered.
            You may say I'm a dreamer... But I'm not the only one...

            I'm an official nutter - an official 'cropper' of a nutter! I am sooooo pleased to be a cropper! Hurrah!


            • No!...sorry but no chatting!
              Please pm between each other if you want to give another grape some helpful advice/ support!

              I'll leave those chat posts for now, but they will be deleted
              Thanks peeps
              Last edited by Nicos; 22-01-2015, 08:12 PM.
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • Middle Management.

                Who like to think they know better... but in practice succeed only in annoying people. Oh well, someone else's power trip can also be entertaining, so it's not all bad


                • Childrens centre - I really feel I want to take some milton wipes and spray with a note saying there is more to cleaning then whipping a hoover round
                  I don't go that often as everytime my eldest ends up ill. Thankfully this time it is just a cold not a chest infection. Its still awful watching a child suffering. However just to top it hubby caught it almost straight away. I have got the start of a sore throat and I think my youngest is now getting it. Grrrrr!

                  Oh and telling me children should get ill, it helps build their immune system.........If the people telling me hadn't walked out on their own children, had little to do with them for years and were ruddy useless to start off with.......

                  It might just be the lurgy talking
                  Last edited by Norfolkgrey; 23-01-2015, 07:05 AM.


                  • Please may i put out a request,my umph has left home ,i suspect it has gone to join other peeps at an unknown location
                    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                    • Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
                      Carpet fitters supposed to phone to say when they will be to fit new carpet.!! Have they phoned? Course not so I phoned carpet shop. I'll get them to phone you right back I was told. Two hours ago.

                      Nowt worse than sitting waiting with an open time scale.
                      5.20pm the sods turned up. Carpet Right my backside. Carpet wrong more like. No more business from me. Utterly disgraceful way to treat a customer.


                      • My rant is the OH. Been off work on holiday for 9 long days. I must say sorry for being late on threads etc as he has totally sc@@wed the laptop up. AVG said there was a security problem so instead of just clicking ok he decided to tinker about with stuff. End result has been a system restore that didn't work then some major installation thing and now the laptop is running very slow.
                        Moaning he is cold. Put a thicker jumper and socks on. Turn the heating down yet again.
                        Putting his music on the laptop and then being able to play it through the TV. What is naffing me off is I am watching something then Blonde, The Rolling Stones or The Clash will suddenly appear on TV and my programme is lost.
                        Huffing and moaning at me and the kids cause he has to go back to work. I'm sorry but I have searched various sites for him and found a few which might be suitable. But oh no they are not suitable, to far, not what he wants, doesn't like the hours etc etc. I am looking to find something to fit in with the kids but he doesn't want me to go full time as it would mean he would have to deal with the kids more, pick them up, make tea, bath them the usual kids stuff.
                        Ahh feel better for that. That's not half of it but I feel better for my rant. Thank you for listening


                        • Just found a note in Wills school bag. They have got Nits again in his class. Not having a go at the person with the nits just the nits themselves.
                          Skin has started to crawl just thinking of them.


                          • At least you are being told NVG.

                            Too many years ago to remember, My eldest son had been scratching at his head. Went on for a few weeks and we started scratching as well. (Had never heard of head lice). Son's friend'smother came down for a coffee and the subject came up. " Oh, Johnnie has had head lice for about three weeks".

                            I was not a happy puppy.


                            • Folks who DONT respond to an email enquiry,regarding availability of cottage to rent!! It's business after all, don't they want it! Business I mean !


                              • Just had a fight with a small bichon who refuses point blank to take 2ml of meds!! 2mls for goodness sake. I now have scratches on my arms and neck...what's wrong with you you little bleep...ok go on keep your snottery, stuffed up nose then. Who cares? Me, that's who!!! Grrrrrrrrr!!!


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