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The New Minor Rant thread....


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  • No, Mrs.W, you need to tell them not to be so bloody rude and disrespectful. To their face!

    Gimme their number, I'll tell 'em!
    All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
    Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


    • Thanks G4 - to be honest they're so bladdy 'up themselves' that they probably don't even realise that they're being rude, just winds me up because it happens so often, unfortunately because they're 'paying' for the course they can do no wrong so I just have to put up and shut up and of course have a rant on here!


      • Originally posted by alldigging View Post
        Facebook has just told me it doesn't think my name is my name.
        My facebook temporary suspended me because it thought I was trying to log on a fake facebook page.


        • Our weekend plans have jst changed due to MIL being unwell, so we are not going to visit, we were all going to lunch in Friday. So I thought maybe just me and husband should go somewhere local, now I am aware this weekend is Valentines, so expect price to be up a little, but £55.00 a head! And another one £45.00 a head + £50 deposit!

          But I suppose if people are prepared to pay then you can't blame them!


          • See if your allowed to put a notice up,like is done in hospitals ext,about zero tollerance,being rude to staff

            my rant is they sound old enough to know ruddy better
            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


            • Why do some people think it's a good idea to dump all their old rubbish on their allotment?

              While clearing the bottom part of my plot this week, I unearthed all this old carpet together with the illustrated bagful of disintegrated carpet, disintegrated underlay, sweet wrappers, weed suppression fabric hiding underneath a thick layer of weeds, random bits of broken plastic, bits of old tool...

              ... then just when I thought I was in the clear I unearthed this nice piece of corrugated iron, under which were yet more bits of broken glass and rusty odds and ends...

              Just take it down the tip, what's wrong with you people!
              Attached Files
              My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
              Chrysanthemum notes page here.


              • 16yr old home-body, creature-of-absolute-habit cats, who suddenly decide against all convention to extend the usual mid evening constitutional in the courtyard into a stroll goodness knows where for a couple of hours.

                Back home now, thank goodness, wondering why I'm making such a fuss.

                Attached Files


                • Originally posted by lottie dolly View Post
                  See if your allowed to put a notice up,like is done in hospitals ext,about zero tollerance,being rude to staff

                  my rant is they sound old enough to know ruddy better
                  if only...........
                  college only seems to care about lecturers unless they want something! Same just about in all educational institutes I've worked for in recent years(the place I worked for 10 years ago had different ideas)

                  anyway rant this morning - lecturer given waste containers for lesson last night - what does he use? my VERY expensive glass pyrex beakers, have told him numerous times not to use them - I might as well save my breath! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


                  • Technicians being treated badly

                    I would have been lost in my college years if it wasn't for how fantastic some of the technicians were. However at the time I don't think I realised just how much I appreciated all their efforts Some of the lecturers where a bit naff tho, not sure how they made it to where they were.


                    • Husband, who, after nearly twenty years of not being materialistic in any way, now wants to buy a house! He has absolutely no concept of that kind of money, and how much deposit would be needed. All he understands is that we pay x in rent, so we can afford x in mortgage payments. If only it were that simple. (If only he had listened fifteen or twenty years ago )
                      Last edited by Glutton4...; 11-02-2015, 08:16 AM.
                      All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                      Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                      • No chocolate!!!!!!


                        • No Gin!

                          My choice to have a dry month on finishing the bottle. Doesn't seem such a good idea now lol
                          All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                          Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                          • Just had a message to say that my 'order', strawberry plants, has been dispatched, and will be delivered 'shortly', now does that mean, 'today, tomorrow or Saturday'? Why couldn't they just add that little bit of information!


                            • The 'end corner post ' of my fruit cage, that has been leaning, and was going to 'hammered' back in place, well it's had it! Actually has rotted at the bottom, oh dear! Major job now.


                              • Originally posted by Dorothy rouse View Post
                                Just had a message to say that my 'order', strawberry plants, has been dispatched, and will be delivered 'shortly', now does that mean, 'today, tomorrow or Saturday'? Why couldn't they just add that little bit of information!
                                It's annoying innit!
                                Just received a message from Parcelforce to say that my delivery will arrive between 16.27 and 17.27

                                Why couldn't they have said, first thing this morning, that it would be an afternoon delivery, rather than it is on the van expletives have been deleted before posting


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