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The New Minor Rant thread....


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  • This is a very short lived rant but to go with my stupity and forgetfulness I feel like I am losing all traces of sanity.

    Just managed to lose a week thinking Saturday was the 21st causing issues. Then trying to solve the issue to then sit down only to then discover Saturday is the 14th.......

    If anyone has some spare fully functioning brain cells I will happily give them a new home


    • People who think that chocolate is a good present for someone who is watching their weight!


      • Just found out this morning that my great Aunt is in hospital and they think she will die before the weekend is over


        • ^^^^^ oh Cari I am so sorry to hear that, makes my rant about people ignoring minor acts of vandalism on their doorstep exceptional trivial


          • Yesterday my husband unearthed his Toshiba laptop that he hasn't used for about 3 years. He plugged it in, turned it on and it booted up but said that the CMOS battery had failed. It thought it was 2008, wouldn't update, didn't recognise it's dvd player etc, multiple problems and although I reset the clock if it was unplugged the clock stopped.

            I know that cmos batteries live on the motherboard as I once replaced one on a desktop but I had never stripped down a laptop before. Husband, as usual, had unreasonable faith in my abilities. I did warn him before I started that the computer might never work again but basically he doesn't want to spend money on an old computer.

            Anyway this morning I removed countless screws, bits and bobs clips etc......broke the keyboard clip on the motherboard but eventually ended up with a motherboard in my hand (amid many naughty words and a husband continually peering over my shoulder and giving advice ). I couldn't find the battery. I expected one of the flat 10p sized ones, Eventually after goggling I realised it was the little button thing that was soldered in.

            Knowing some of my limitations and with visions of a fried motherboard and exploding battery I took the motherboard to a little local computer shop where the owner replaced the battery for free for me!

            Now I had to put it all back together in the right order! (Again with husband peering over shoulder giving advice!) Major rant time! I was wishing I had dainty little hands. Eventually I did, bodged the keyboard clip with some gaffer tape.

            Turned it works.............. but the mousepad doesn' tomorrow it's got to come apart again....Aaaaaarrrgggghhhh.

            I'll definitely doing it before my husband gets out of bed.


            • Originally posted by greenishfing View Post

              Turned it works.............. but the mousepad doesn' tomorrow it's got to come apart again....Aaaaaarrrgggghhhh.
              Oh well done! Seriously, dismantling and remantling a laptop is a pig and a half of a job so do NOT do it again just because of the stupid mousepad. Mousepads are horrible to use anyhow so just plug in a real mouse.

              My next sentence was going to start "if that isn't good enough for him.." but I probably should refrain from completing it



              • Why is technology so sodding difficult when it is there to make your life easier.

                My head REALLY HURTS, although it is possible that I MAY have the answer to my particular problem. I am going to try YET AGAIN with this fix when the 'ol grey matter is less frazzled.


                • still haven't heard from 1st preference job (chased today) and 2nd preference job interview has been moved to tomorrow, not entirely sure various outsourced HR persons are in the loop regarding arrangements :/

                  argh!! the waiting around and not knowing is harder than the interviews!


                  • Trying to sort my tax out. My tax all added up from my wage is different to what is down on my end year tax. How does that work?


                    • Only very minor rant. Puppy just loves my beautifully potted herbs growing on little courtyard, where we are 'training him'. He especially loves the Sage,especially the purple one, Garlic chives, and the Corriander, and has pulled out and tried to eat some mint that I was propagating!

                      So have had to move them out of reach, and will have to take up to the Plot.

                      Obviously he has good taste!
                      Last edited by Dorothy rouse; 20-03-2015, 01:31 PM.


                      • Ha, Dorothy...I haven't got one houseplant left


                        • Neighbour has had damage to her brand new car


                          • GO away,let me be,have had enough of this year all ready,with 1 thing or another,now got this,coughing,chocking,bad throut ext,everywhere is so sore from chocking,not had the likes of it for a few years now,everything bar a bunged up nose,will someone please get rid that ...............fairy,by the way,anyone know what an all night sleep is give me a nod
                            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                            • Back from holiday with no voice and a horrible cold. Why do diseased people travel on aeroplanes and spread misery to everyone else via the air conditioning?


                              • Waking up before 5 and then listening to noise from next door


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