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Where can I get Extract of Barley - cheap please


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  • Where can I get Extract of Barley - cheap please

    Apparently I need this for sorting out the green algae in my raised pond.
    It's been green for years but now it is time to sort it out and I hear E of B is the product to use.
    Can anyone suggest where to buy this for less than �19.90 which is the lowest price I've seen, with a quick check, from Unwins (inc p&p).

  • #2
    You can get Barley Straw as well which you sink into the pond and as it rots it gives off the chemical... I've used some from pond specialists in little, costly packs or pet shops in big cheap bales.

    I got my last bottle of extract from JTF Warehouse, a tenner for a bottle that did three treatments of my 3000 gallons pond.

    But... the extract or straw will only slow the growth of pond weed and algae, you still need to remove by hand... I use an upturned plastic lawn rake.
    The proof of the growing is in the eating.
    Leave Rotten Fruit.
    Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potasium - potash.
    Autant de t�tes, autant d'avis!!!!!
    Il n'est si m�chant pot qui ne trouve son couvercle.


    • #3
      I've found some on eB@y but its only 250ml size :-

      C79 Barley Straw Extract Clears Fish Pond Algae Blanket Weed Green Water 250ml |
      Last edited by Bren In Pots; 29-07-2014, 10:57 AM.
      Location....East Midlands.


      • #4
        It's due to high Nitrogen in the pond so the best thing to do is keep removing it as that will reduce the nitrogen eventually. You can use twigs and make "candifloss" with it - excellent for entertaining small people and easy to compost.
        "A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

        PS. I just don't have enough time to say hello to everyone as they join so please take this as a delighted to see you here!


        • #5
          Originally posted by marchogaeth View Post
          It's due to high Nitrogen in the pond
          ... so prevent autumn leaves etc falling in the pond
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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