Not sure if this is the correct part of the forum but thought i'd say hi. I'm new here. I'm 27/F, married with 2 kids, 3 cats, a horse and a tortoise.
Just started growing things in our little back garden. I think it's going well.
Everything seems to be upright still (although the runner beans did flop for a while but are picking themselves back up again! lol). We have lettuce (and it's growing!! Much excitement - I even took some pics!), peppers, radishes, carrots, runner beans, mange tout and strawberries.
As I'm sure you can tell, I'm totally new to any sort of gardening but my Mum is a bit of an expert in growing things (farmers daughter!) so I have a lot of back up there.
I'm really hoping this will be an ongoing hobby as I'm really enjoying myself and my eldest daughter (3) loves helping. Something that we can do together. Although her favourite part is (over) watering and turning the 'dirt' over!!!!
(yes, after I've planted seeds - eek!).
I have a plastic greenhouse on its way to me today but after reading some reviews, it may not have been such a wise purchase!
We'll wait and see. You live and learn! lol.
Anyway, enough waffling! Hello everyone out there!
Just started growing things in our little back garden. I think it's going well.

As I'm sure you can tell, I'm totally new to any sort of gardening but my Mum is a bit of an expert in growing things (farmers daughter!) so I have a lot of back up there.
I'm really hoping this will be an ongoing hobby as I'm really enjoying myself and my eldest daughter (3) loves helping. Something that we can do together. Although her favourite part is (over) watering and turning the 'dirt' over!!!!

I have a plastic greenhouse on its way to me today but after reading some reviews, it may not have been such a wise purchase!

Anyway, enough waffling! Hello everyone out there!