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Craziest thing u have every done?
Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
Driving land rovers up a steep, grassy seawall and stopping at the top... in time!
Two points to make here-
1, get it wrong and you straddle the wall, all 4 wheels a dangling - so tractor is needed to pull you off.
2, get it wrong and dont brake quick enough- straight into the mud/water, 6' drop first though.- so again - tractor is needed.
A great test of skill or more like stupidity.
One of our group was the son of the farmer who owned land and most inportantly- A TRACTOR!
He also joined in the fun.....oooops not sure if I should tell thattee hee.
We were at least 30 years old at the time......sorry Mum, Sorry Dad! also
Sorry to all the muddy landrovers!! and there were a few!
Oh yes one small point to add, If tractor could not get you out of mud or itself got stuck....the tide would surely come in!!!!! not sayng any more on that part of the story......Last edited by Headfry; 14-06-2007, 11:35 AM.
Gone swimming in the sea in a thunderstorm (about 12), gone for a walk around the lanes near home (about 13) when there were 8-9 foot drifts of snow in said lanes.
Oh yes and posting a pic of my real self on this forumBright Blessings
If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.
Whilst serving in the Royal Engineers we were on an adventure training week in February and were ice walking along striding edge (Helvellyn). My section of 8 bods all got out plastic fertilizer sacks and used them to tobbogan downhill until we either crashed, or came to a halt.
It was sheer madness as none of use knew what was under the ice and snow and we shot down like rockets. It was pure adreneline whilst it lasted but cost a broken leg, one finger and several dozen stitches between us., not to mention the bruises.
Am I glad I did it..........................YOU BET
Would I do it now.........................NO CHANCELast edited by pigletwillie; 14-06-2007, 09:41 AM.
At the end of a 17 day trek in Morroco, taking a lift in the back of a cattle truck, down a single track road with two way traffic, sheer drop to right and a driver who kept shouting "Inch Allah" ........
Heart pounding even now as I think about it. Thought I would never see my children again!~
Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
~ Mary Kay Ash
Secretly went to Israel for babtism during my teenagehood (with out letting my parents know ) and was at the market at jerusalem shortly before a suicide bomber blown it self....
I still think, it was very foolish of me !
MomolI grow, I pick, I eat ...
Put my foot over the border line from Hong Kong to China (before they got it back!) - then told everyone I've been to China
Falling in love with a pram/pushchair and buying it before asking OH about having children (we had both agreed previously not to!)... fortunately for us he said yes and was with child before the week was ended!
Deciding on having another child when our first was 12 wks old... only to discover already pregnant!
Life is one craziness really!
JanJan A novice gardener - first year of growing
Whilst doing my PPL (during an RAF Flying Scholarship) and on my second 'solo' flight in a Piper Cherokee light aircraft I took it up to 7000ft above Blackpool airport and spun it (stall it and let it fall from the sky like a leaf twirling to the ground) down to 2500ft, to see if I could pull it out on my own! Had been trained on how to recover from a spin earlier that day, and had done it myself once with the instructor in the aircraft, but if I had been unable to recover it, then I would have spun right into the ground!
Luckily I recovered it easily enough, and then found myself coming up behind one of the other solo students, as we were tuned into the same 'free' radio frequency we then commenced a dogfight, chasing each other all over the sky, and were soon joined by the third student, fun but totally against all rules on both counts!!Blessings
Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)
'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!
The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences
Bit lame compared to some of the above but I used to work with horses. The people I worked for had scurry ponies - don't know how many of you will know what that is. It is basically two little horses with a cart behind them going hell for leather through a series of obstacles. As the person in the back you have to lean out as far as you can round corners or the whole shebang tips over! Great fun and a good adrenalin rush. Also got to meet many members of the royal family as the guy I worked for was 'driving instructor' to the Duke of Edinburgh. Great fun - lousy pay!!Happy Gardening,
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