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Stoptober. Anyone else doing it.


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  • #31
    If I felt I had a problem with drink I'd definitely look to giving it up but, although I like a drink, especially with a nice meal, I never even think if drinking on my own, very rarely drink in the week and don't do so every weekend either. We've got enough alcohol in the house to open an off licence but never really think to have any, certainly not as a de-stress, that would be too much reliance for me. Think I'm too lazy to be addicted to anything, don't gave the levels if commitment required . Do find it a bit of a worry though the number of my friends who open a bottle of wine every night as soon as the kids go to bed, that sounds like low level dependence to me or certainly the potential to go that way.

    Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

    Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


    • #32
      Originally posted by snakeshack View Post
      This year I'm doing stoptober, and after 2 days without a fag am finding it quite hard, I'm definitely much more irritable and am having problems with the cravings
      Don't go cold turkey Snake, Get an e-cig to help you through it.
      sigpic“Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,”
      Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
      Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
      KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


      • #33
        Getting an e fag only reduces the craving and won't break the dependancy it will only postpone the inevitable. This is the longest I've gone since 1979 : o

        Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum
        don't be afraid to innovate and try new things
        remember.........only the dead fish go with the flow

        Another certified member of the Nutters club


        • #34
          Good luck pal, I know I couldn't do it.
          sigpic“Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,”
          Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
          Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
          KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


          • #35
            Originally posted by snakeshack View Post
            Getting an e fag only reduces the craving and won't break the dependancy it will only postpone the inevitable.

            The physical dependency symptoms are very mild and disappear in a couple of days. Everything else is psychological.

            The easy way to stop is to decide that you don't want to do it any more. The elation of that decision carries you over the physical withdrawal and then you can enjoy life.

            I did it 10 years ago. It was the third or fourth attempt and also by far the easiest because the other times I didn't really want to stop.

            I wish my wife and two children would stop but they are still at the stage that they feel they get pleasure from the habit. While under that delusion - and it is a delusion - it's impossible to stop permanently, people will always go back to it.
            My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
            Chrysanthemum notes page here.


            • #36
              I've decided I want to stop, been ready for a while now .difficult as there were 5 out of six of us in the house smoking

              Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum
              don't be afraid to innovate and try new things
              remember.........only the dead fish go with the flow

              Another certified member of the Nutters club


              • #37
                Just stick at it. it's the BEST THING you can ever do for yourself and people who love you. Don't want to sound pompous but I did it 7 years ago and thank who ever's up there that I did. It gets easier surprisingly quickly. The first week is sticky but you'll see. Walk every day to see the benefits that you'll feel soon. Give your lungs a good clear out with fresh air and a good cough! If you have to clear your throat all the time, you'll notice that stopping very quickly too. Nothing but benefits and good things coming your way!!!

                Originally posted by snakeshack View Post
                Did the sober for October last year, can't say it was difficult for me although I did carry on brewing , just didn't drink any. Then participated in the unofficial ratarsed for November so the net result was negligible
                This year I'm doing stoptober, and after 2 days without a fag am finding it quite hard, I'm definitely much more irritable and am having problems with the cravings

                Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum


                • #38
                  I really really wish, more than just about anything, that my Hubby would give up the fags. I hate hate hate it, and it drives me bonkers.

                  Sadly he says he likes it, and doesn't want to give up. I will never understand that mentality. Ever. I do nag on occasions, but most of the time, I keep quiet, because it upsets him. Smelly git.
                  All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                  Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                  • #39
                    Life is all about balance, I rarely drink alcohol (since a bad experience with a bottle of scotch, a nun and a policeman), I have given up cakes and sweets, and I have given up adultery, burglary, mindless violence, mountaineering, hang gliding and any form of religion. The balance part of it is that I smoke like a trooper.
                    Last edited by Bill HH; 03-10-2014, 07:56 AM.
                    photo album of my garden in my profile


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Dorothy rouse View Post
                      You can enjoy a glass and remain sober
                      Glasses seem to have got bigger! particularly in restaurants. Mrs K still drinks, but not during the week as before and more modestly at the weekend, but by my calculation although far less frequently, which is a good thing, she drinks too much [by NHS guidelines] when she does.

                      I don't want to spoil anyone's good time, but I think it worth accessing how many units one drinks at-a-session and how often-per-week.

                      I think NHS advice is men: 3-4 units / day, women: 2-3 units / day, and 2 days abstinence per week.

                      Wine Small 125ml = 1.5 units, Standard 175ml = 2.1 units, Large 250ml = 3 units. Bottle (750ml) = 10 units
                      Beer pint = 2 - 3 units (3.6%-5.2% ABV)
                      Spirits 25ml = 1 unit

                      NHS Alcohol Units Calculator Alcohol unit calculator - Health tools - NHS Choices
                      NHS Drinking self-assessment Alcohol self-assessment - Health tools - NHS Choices

                      The French and Italians seem to mange just fine with modest drinking, but they seem to have a different culture to drinking to us (well, comparing them to my friends at least; they don't binge drink, but every time we meet up for a meal they drink more than their 2-3 units [I told you earlier I had become pious on the subject!!]

                      Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post
                      Now I've decided to go without, I really really fancy one.
                      For the first week or two after stopping at 6pm on the dot I wanted a drink. It felt wrong that I didn't have a glass in my hand, if that makes sense? I don't remember wanting a drink, as such, just wanting to pour and hold one (well ... and then drink it of course! but it was more the "habit" of doing it, than the need for the effect)

                      Originally posted by Alison View Post
                      Do find it a bit of a worry though the number of my friends who open a bottle of wine every night as soon as the kids go to bed, that sounds like low level dependence to me or certainly the potential to go that way.
                      That's what we used to do, but I would describe it as Habit rather than Dependence. I didn't have much trouble stopping, and I have no problem if I now have a drink (or it is used in cooking etc.). Whereas someone who is addicted will revert if they come into contact with any alcohol as their body / metabolism will crave for more [i.e. a chemical thing]

                      Originally posted by Martin H View Post
                      The easy way to stop is to decide that you don't want to do it any more
                      (Just to clarify, you were talking about smoking at this point )

                      I gave up drinking for Lent each/most years. I didn't have too much trouble with that, but in social situations people assumed I was doing it for religious reasons (it was just a date, back then I don't remember their being Stop-tober type campaigns), and I probably only saw any one set of people once at social events in that period, so they all offered me a drink and I had to refuse.

                      However, when I stopped and told people that I had given up things were completely different. They were full of praise, and encouragements, and when I saw them next time they remembered to ask/check and were then full of congratulations etc. That made a significant physiological difference. Perhaps all the people I know also think they they are on the high-side of alcohol drinking, and all you lot may be much more modest in your habits but I certainly found people's attitude when I properly stopped very helpful.

                      Either way, as you say Martin H, I couldn't have properly stopped unless I wanted to. Stop-tober wouldn't have been enough excuse, and more than Lent was, other than a 1-month / 40-day period of abstinence. For me it was half way through Lent on year, when I hadn't actually stopped for Lent at all.

                      I did it 10 years ago. It was the third or fourth attempt and also by far the easiest because the other times I didn't really want to stop.

                      I wish my wife and two children would stop but they are still at the stage that they feel they get pleasure from the habit. While under that delusion - and it is a delusion - it's impossible to stop permanently, people will always go back to it.
                      (Re: Smoking)

                      I consider myself exceptionally lucky that I never started. Not even one test puff. I hated the fact that my father smoked, constantly told his so as a youngster ("You're killing yourself"). He never had a day's illness all his life and the smoking killed him at 72. Lots of his peer group never say 75 ...
                      K's Garden blog the story of the creation of our garden


                      • #41
                        Good luck to all of you giving up either the fags or booze. A brave step and one I'm not ready to take! I quit smoking when pregnant but started again about six months after my son was born. The stress and sleepless nights were too much. Stick with it guys and girls!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by VolesAteMyPeas View Post
                          The stress and sleepless nights were too much.
                          You need to realise that the smoking causes the stress as well as releasing it. You know that big release of tension you get when you take that first drag? Non-smokers feel that relaxed all the time. The cigarette is only releasing the tension caused by not having any nicotine for 2 hours.
                          My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                          Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                          • #43
                            Like Bill, I gave up drink almost 40 years ago after issues with a bottle of Rum & a bath...........Don't ask.......... 4 years ago I stopped smoking for 9 months...........It was 9 months of hell (I know, that sounds weird). Even though I was cycling 10k everyday & playing badminton twice a week, I put on 4 stone & could not shake it off. When I resumed the cancer stick, I lost the 4 stone in 6 weeks & feel better for it..................Barmy.
                            sigpic“Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,”
                            Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                            Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                            KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                            • #44
                              Good luck to all those who want to give up summat. I hope you succeed
                              I have nothing much to give up - as I'm such a clean-living kinda girl but I'll cheer you on if you want me to


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by VolesAteMyPeas View Post
                                Good luck to all of you giving up either the fags or booze. A brave step and one I'm not ready to take! I quit smoking when pregnant but started again about six months after my son was born. The stress and sleepless nights were too much. Stick with it guys and girls!
                                Ha! I always thought you were a man, Voles! Wonder if I've got the wrong idea about anyone else's gender too?
                                My Autumn 2016 blog entry, all about Plum Glut Guilt:



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