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OH's & partners


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  • #16
    Originally posted by JennieAtkinson View Post
    She is known as the "other woman".
    With you its a boat - in our house the "other woman" is the lorry.
    When I first meet Mrs Beefy she was going with someone else and I was single .She split with her boyfriend and decided to go on holiday to America. While she was away I started to go out with someone else.Then when she came back from America and I found out that she was single I dumped the girl I was going with .To late another boyfriend had been found and I was "out the window". It took another 6 months before we got together and my parents didn't approve. We ended up going to Gretna Green and got married there and 10 years later one 6 year old son and a 3 year old daughter we couldn't be happier.
    There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore and who always will. Don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it in your future.


    • #17
      When I returned from uni one day I found a girl asleep on the sofa ( about 2pm mind you) and asked her,

      "Who the fk are you and by the the way you snore!"

      been together 10 years and married 5 yrs


      • #18
        I stole Granny Dragon from my flatmate they invited me on a blind date with her friend but by end of evening Granny and I decided we preferred each other
        Now after 43 years, 3 kids, and 11 grand children, I love and lust after her as much as ever. altogether now Oooooooh
        It's not the growing old I mind but the growing stupid with it!


        • #19
          I blame my brother! I was home from uni after a disasterious engagement to someone best forgotten and he got told to take me out and cheer me up.

          He took me to the local role playing club (I was in a similar club at uni) and introduced me to various people including Richard.

          A couple of weeks after that a friend of mine invited me as 'number three', to go out for a curry - not being tremenously interested in playing gooseberry I said only if I could invite someone for me to talk to!

          Looking over the 'list' Richard looked the best prospect for a good chat, so I rang him. He gave up going to his best friends birthday party to come.

          It took 15 months for me to get to the point where 'once bitten, twice shy' no longer applied and we were engaged for a further 15 months as Dad insisted that ALL the family had to come!

          At least it gave me time to learn how to drive!

          We married in September '93, and the kids turned up in '97 and 2003 - we are still going strong, much to the delight of my family who reckon anything is better that 'He who shall not be named'!

          The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


          • #20
            Back in 1998 I was on a secondment in Dublin, but went to an OU summer school in Bath. Got put in a group with 1 other bloke and 6 girls, and despite spending the week either in some degree of drunkeness or sleep one of the girls took a shine to me.

            Drove her back to Redhill where my flat was, and which I'd not seen for three months so she had a shorter train journey home. Several long letters and expensive phone calls from Dublin followed.

            Moved in with her in '99 and got married March 2000 and now have 2 lovely daughters.

   - updated 19/08/2007


            • #21
              I met my OH at work. Friend kept trying to get us together, but I wasn't keen cos he was a baldy! Eventually went on a date, great time, both have a barmy morning (I know..I know - I'm a naughty girl) he gave me his doorkey and said 'move in?'. I did. 15 years later, we're still together, both still barmy and v. happy. p.s. I now really like the follically challenged look on a guy. (funny eh?)


              • #22
                I met OH in our second week of university. We got together as a couple 2 months later, and this November we'll have been together for 8years and married for 2years.


                • #23
                  I saw the old girl across a crowded pub. Having returned from a golfing soiree to Newcastle and going into said pub I asked one of the golfers "who is she", to be told that it was his wifes sister. A year later I asked her out and 10 months after that we were married. Nine years later I still love her to bits.

                  The best bits though is that we share the same birthday and both really enjoy gardening and growing our own.


                  • #24
                    I met mine on our first evening at university (Durham - great place!) and we got on well but that was all. We both took the same subjects - he had a girl at home, I met a few blokes, fell out with a few blokes, you know how it is. We were part of a gang who went around together - all men but me - geology is a great subject for women!
                    He finished with his girl from home after about a year - said he had come to realise they didn't have enough in common. By the time we got it together as they say, we had been good friends for some time - and still are! Married 6 weeks after graduating - in 1970. (You can do the sums!). Our 2 little Flums are now 35 and 32 years old and granddaughter is 3 in October.
                    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

           Updated March 9th - Spring


                    • #25
                      Met OH on Hammersmith and City tube at 11pm. Neither of use were supposed to be there. I'd just bailed from going to a party because the person driving home was already drunk on the way to the party (he drove up there with bottle of wine in hand all the way). OH was leaving the dark room and had lost track of time.

                      Sliding doors I guess. We just happened to be going the same way and got chatting. He told me how he was a film director and played drums. I thought yeah right. He was telling the truth it turned out

                      been together 14 years now and very happy. Perfect match everyone says.
                      Newbie gardener in Cumbria.
                      Just started my own website on gardening:



                      • #26
                        Bit like you Jules2 - when I first met my hubby I was adament I was only going to 'make up the numbers' - no funny business I said - he's too short and bald to be my type!!! 3 months later we got engaged, married a year after and still together 13 years later with 2 children and an allotment!
                        smiling is infectious....

               updated 28th May 2008


                        • #27
                          I remember the first time I saw the present Mrs HW. One of her friends worked at the same place as me, she knew I was looking for a girlfriend at the time - which was true pretty much as far back as I can remember. I digress. The present Mrs HW started working at the same place as me, and I can still tell you (though she'd probably rather I didn't) what she was wearing when she walked through the door that first time.

                          Her friend said that I would really like her, and she wasn't wrong. Anyway, being the shy and retiring type I never really asked her out properly (other than for lunch at a local Wimpy once).

                          Then, it was the 19th December 1996, it was a works Christmas do. Our boss was coming on to her, she wanted none of it - I overheard, we swapped numbers and moved in together 6 months later.

                          We've been together 10 years now, married 2 and a half, and are still planning on growing old together. Who knows, someday we may even have little HW's running about....
                          A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                          BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                          Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                          What would Vedder do?


                          • #28
                            It's been really lovely reading these stories.

                            I met my OH at a drunken student party in Bristol before the Easter holiday and didn't meet him again until November (at another party - a bit of a themem emerging...). We've been together 17 years and will have been married 6 in December.


                            • #29
                              I met Ian at a party in Norwich in 2000 after vowing never to bother with men again.
                              I had just ended with my useless boyfriend (did it via phone on valentines day, well its not like I cared anymore!). I went to a party with a mate and Ian turned up looking a bit dodgy with a car stereo under his arm, he was chasing the woman whose party it was. Later on I almost walked in on him in the bathroom and he said "watch out love, you might get a scare" with such a glint in his eye my brain went 'hello' in a Carry On way. Anyway he got stoned and drunk on vodka, I drank a pityful amount of wine (I'm such a lightweight) and we sort of got chatting. Then he got dragged home by his sister and he didn't even ask for my number but he shock my hand and kissed my cheek.

                              Next day my mate Chris asked me about Ian, and I said nothing came of it. Chris told Fiona (party woman) to pass on my number but she had the ump, she didn't want Ian but did want him hanging on. Two weeks later Ian calls me. WE have our first date in Hunstanton (fish and chips and torrential rain) .3 weeks later he declares his love. 4 weeks he asks me to move in. I think he's bonkers and actually make move from Norwich to Newmarket in the September. Later that month we get engaged. Married in July 2002. Still happy. No kids but Jack Russell, Ian has a 21 year old son anyway, he's 8 years my senior, Ian that is, not son! It all felt effortless, I think it was written in stars.


                              • #30
                                i first met Dana at work, i arrived as a locum and she already worked there, both married to other people though so just used to chat as colleagues etc.

                                my ex-wife was an australian, she went home for christmas one year and i got a dear john phone call from there.

                                i then left my workplace and went home to mum & dads to sort my self out. (they were so pleased to have me living there again.) four months later i got another locum position in the same place where Dana worked, i turned up for work and she was not there. Shock horror. In those four months her husband had walked out on her and she had to give up work because of this. a mutual friend suggested we started going to a singles night together (not as a couple but for support only) and we both agreed to meet up to discuss tactics. didn't get that far though. we got chatting and out of the work environment found that we got on etc etc. now four years on, have mortgage, three wonderful girls, two hers (7 & 5) one mine (14) and the talk has started about having one of our own and even marriage. only regret, that i didn't meet her 10 years sooner.
                                Kernow rag nevra

                                Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.
                                Bob Dylan


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