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  • Morning all from a non descriptive Nestland. Think I'll give the car wash as I'm planning on going up to Leeds at the weekend & need to see where I'm going..............
    sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
    Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
    Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
    KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


    • Morning its wet and soggy out but no wind well not enough for it to howl in the chimneys.

      Originally posted by Dorothy rouse View Post
      Absolutely chucking it down! Forecast wrong again, now that has messed up my plans for today, ah well, must remember NOT to go shopping!

      Have a good day everyone, hope it's dry for you.
      I expected a dry day so it looking like we'll be drying the washing indoors.

      Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
      When my hair is totally clogged with cobwebs, I resort to one of those fluffy, multicoloured tickling sticks. The handle is too short (or I am) to reach the ceiling, so I stick it in the handle of an old broomstick (yeah, I know, I don't need a car). With my elongated tickling stick I can tickle the cobwebs that normal people can only stare at
      What you want is a pair of stilts or even a pogo stick might be more fun
      Location....East Midlands.


      • Fab idea Bren, not that I ever mastered the darn things!

        Well, that's enough internetting, I'm being given banking errands for Hubby, as he is busy. Ruddy market day, too, grumble grumble moan moan. That means parking issues, and having to put on my polite, friendly, calm and sociable persona - now, where did I leave it...?
        Last edited by Glutton4...; 25-02-2015, 09:22 AM.
        All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
        Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


        • How are the house guests VC, all happy?


          • Good afternoon, sun keeps coming out here. I have spent most the morning lying in bed(now I am lying on the couch) Got a really stiff neck, can't move it and when I try to I get pains all down my spine and shoulder. It's no good as I have my interview tomorrow morning.


            • Quiet innit? Hope you have a calm and safe crossing Nicos. I've just been around the bedrooms with a fluffy stick. Now there's something for the imagination Enjoy your evening
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • Originally posted by Jay22 View Post
                How are the house guests VC, all happy?
                Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
                Quiet innit?
                Evening All I've forgotten the meaning of "Quiet" with 6 dogs running around my feet!
                The 2 puppy House guests will be here until Saturday while their "Mum" recovers from her op, Then it'll be back to "normal" here - just 4 dogs

                Hope everyone is OK


                • Yep - quiet it is - soz about that - been daft busy shuffling files today, then went to mum's to see my cousin who is visiting, then home to assemble 4 chairs from the new table/chairs combo. Had a Morrie's tagliatelle with ham and mushroom when I got home - as ready meals go, this is the tastiest I've had in ages.

                  Catching my breath whilst waiting for a lift to the pub for Wed night late drink with chums.
                  Last edited by Hazel at the Hill; 25-02-2015, 10:12 PM.


                  • Crikey Hazel, I'm thinking about bed. In fact I am only one awake downstairs. OH has Evie cat asleep on his lap whilst snoozing himself. Percy cat, who doesn't do laps, is next to me on the sofa. I think they are pretending to be good cats as this week they have been wrecking the landing carpet and walking muddy paw prints everywhere. Never had carpet scratching cats before.


                    • Right i am off to bed now. Have to be up early for my job interview at 8.30am.



                      • Originally posted by WendyC View Post
                        Crikey Hazel, I'm thinking about bed. In fact I am only one awake downstairs. OH has Evie cat asleep on his lap whilst snoozing himself. Percy cat, who doesn't do laps, is next to me on the sofa. I think they are pretending to be good cats as this week they have been wrecking the landing carpet and walking muddy paw prints everywhere. Never had carpet scratching cats before.
                        Yeah - cat mommies turn a blind eye to carpet (read: all furnishings) damage, because the payoff is Evie cat cuddles, and Percy Pirate (nearly) doing cuddles. Domino cat doesn't do cuddles either - but I note a warm puddycat tucks up behind my knees in bed every night....

                        You could try spraying the carpet with jif lemon, (they are supposed to not like citrus) but it has made no difference in my house....

                        Originally posted by cariann88 View Post
                        Right i am off to bed now. Have to be up early for my job interview at 8.30am.
                        So early, Carrie! Bet you're done and dusted by the time I've finished brekkers! Wishing you the very best of good things!


                        • Morning all. Dark and wet. Busy day again today. Good luck cari
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • Morning another wet an' windy day here, never mind the kitchen smells of fresh baked bread not sure why but my rolls didn't rise enough to go in the oven yesterday evening. bit odd really.

                            Hope your interview went well Carrie.
                            Location....East Midlands.


                            • Morning all. Wet and windy here too. But that won't stop me going to Aldi this morning! I fancy one of those heated props as well as some more seed trays and covers.

                              Carrie, I hope the stiff neck didn't interfere with your interview and that you land a nice job.
                              My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                              Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                              • Morning all! Warm but rainy out there today.

                                I'll be going to A1di too, at lunchtime, for a cover for my mini gh. Need some milk too - I've not got much left for coffee this morning!


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