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  • G'Moooooooooooooooooooooornin' Peeps! how ya doin? I've been experimenting with brekky too Susie. Homemade waabit food, er, I mean moooooslie - looks like waabit food anyhow. I looked up delish ella's bircher mooslie and adapted it. Even made the almond milk to go with it. First day was weeeeeeeird but I'm now hooked. I no longer need honey in to sweeten it either. Latest hooooge batch cost me around fifteen quid, but will do brekkie n lunch for the next three weeks.

    I'm sleeping better, waking sooner, have more energy and my eczema is lessening. Fab!

    Right, I'm off, catch ya later..
    Last edited by Glutton4...; 28-02-2015, 09:31 AM.
    All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
    Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


    • Morning All It's funny, I rarely eat breakfast when I'm at home, but I always have it at work. I have loads of household chores to do today and I plan to make a batch of chicken pasta for my youngest son. I know he's working, but I've done it for so long now that I can't stop! Anyway, onward and upward, enjoy your day
      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


      • Morning all! Just had a bellowed conversation with mum on the phone. The pharmacist has told her to put olive oil in her ears, and she only has vegetable oil or sunflower oil - which should she use?

        Me: HANG ON, I'LL CHECK
        Mum: What?
        Mum: What?
        Mum: What? Comfortable? I can't hear what you're saying!
        Mum: What? So which do I use?
        Mum: So can I use vegetable oil?
        Me: YES!!!
        Last edited by Hazel at the Hill; 28-02-2015, 11:34 AM.


        • Morning, nice and sunny here this morning, at least for a little while! Hope you are all enjoying your weekend.


          • Originally posted by WendyC View Post
            Yes, has appeared in the last hour or so. Can be hidden but reappears every time you turn the page.
            Any news from your interview?
            No, not heard anything. Just hoping they ring me Monday instead. They did this last time told me a day they would let me know and not tell me to a few days after :/ So there still a chance yet.


            • Fingers crossed for you.
              I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

              Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


              • Artnoon All. Just spent a couple of hours at a seed swap. Picked up some HSL & Realseeds seeds - guaranteed to make me happy

                Hazel, my Mum's hard of hearing too. Her worst habit is answering "Yes" to any question that she doesn't hear properly
                For example, I'm driving her to see her friends.
                "Turn right here, Mum"
                "Down this road?"
                "is it far down this lane?"

                "MUUUUUUM - I'm in someone's garden This isn't where your friend's live, is it?"

                She says that she's never liked to say No to me....................Aaaarrgh


                • I sympathise massively with those who are deaf (ish) and their nearest and dearest. I wear hearing aids myself, but when there is lots of background noise I cannot hear what individuals are saying. The telephone can be a trial - so many people enunciate so poorly! I know that I drove MrQ nuts when I was not wearing my 'trumpets' (ie in bed or first thing in the morning) but .... you can't sleep in 'em. On the plus side, very little wakes me! I suspect it would need an explosion or at the least a very violent thunder storm.


                  • Originally posted by Sheneval View Post
                    Morning all - was going to collect 3 pallets of compost today but miserable weather has caused postponement till next week - the best laid plans etc. etc.
                    Hi All - Today weather was clear apart from a light shower from 0900 till 1500 so collected 3 pallets of compost and sold them all on site by 1500 :-) so commitment given at AGM has been fulfilled
                    Last edited by Sheneval; 28-02-2015, 04:53 PM.
                    Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary

                    Nutter by Nature


                    • Plastic bags of frozen strawberries and frozen cherry tomatoes, look very similar when in the freezer! Our moussaka almost had a strawberry flavour!


                      • I am tottering on deaths door, I have had a cold for two months now, coughing my heart out all night which gives me a headache and possible testicular ruptures. Add to that it is like my digestive system has just stopped working.Everyone in our house has it but i am much worse. Now i have infected red eyes. I have double dosed every cough syrup available including Gees linctus which is hard to obtain. The other thing is it seems to clear up one day them come back in a different form the next.

                        I am not one to complain. Neither am I a doctor although i have had some vetinary experience. I am begining to think I have a touch of Ebola. My wife says "for Gods sake go to the doctor" but whenever i have in the past they have refused me antibiotics and told me to drink more. i am almost out of Scotch.

                        I have done nothing in the garden whatsoever.
                        photo album of my garden in my profile


                        • There's a lot of Superbugs around this year Bill. I've had ear problems since early December & am just about fed up with it now. Hope you are on the mend soon pal.
                          Last edited by Bigmallly; 28-02-2015, 08:14 PM.
                          sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                          Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                          Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                          KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                          • Originally posted by Bill HH View Post
                            My wife says "for Gods sake go to the doctor" but whenever i have in the past they have refused me antibiotics and told me to drink more. i am almost out of Scotch.

                            I have done nothing in the garden whatsoever.
                            Sounds like your wife is right Bill - 2 months is too long to suffer - the doc can only say your fine or you need whatever - wouldn't do any harm and might do some good Good luck!
                            Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary

                            Nutter by Nature


                            • Go and see what Mr Doctor says Bill!

                              Mine said I should live in a sunny place, like South of France! ( couldn't get it on prescription tho!)

                              After your Mrs knows best.


                              • Now if the boot was on the other foot Bill, you would be marching the OH in to the doctors! You have to remember you have dealt with a lot over the last 6 months so your body is at a low ebb.

                                If you wont go I have heard that syrup of boiled grockles taken twice daily is a good tonic


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