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  • Hi all, having an extra cuppa before heading out to continue masterplan- I want to make 4, 4x1 metre beds today. Will mark paths and dig them out onto planned beds, edge,dig,remove roots and then lay manure on top until it is ready to be planted. Am intending to only dig in future when potatos are ready.

    This is my plan....evil laugh....I will rule the world......

    Of course tonight I will return with tail between my legs and 3 left to do!
    No matter:the allotment is lovely, the tadpoles have legs, my sea kale has germinated and I am glad to be home.


    • Morning all, beautiful day again. Been invited over to our daughters for roast lamb dinner tonight, so I have my pinny on cooking the shepherds pie that we were going to have. I also have a fish pie to make if I can find a receipe, my iPad is on a go slow grr
      I quite like cooking when it's sunny and not too hot in kitchen.
      Might even run to a CAAAKE a
      Have a lovely day all
      Nannys make memories


      • Good morning, lovely weather here. Only have 2 calls(5 mins each) to clients at dinner. Then have to come back home again for a few hours before I go out again for tea's.

        I wouldn't mind waiting around if I could drive, but because I don't and I don't live near it's costing me loads in taxi's and buses.

        Have a good day


        • Sun is shining, dogs are sleeping and I am singing 'I'm a Cropper' at the top of my voice to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody.
          I don't think my tablets are working to well today - drrrrr!
          I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

          Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


          • Congrats on becoming a Cr*pper, Lumpy

            Bootiful sunshiny day here - lots of twittering old birds in the garden, me included.
            Hope you're enjoying.
            Carrie, do you really only have 5 minutes to visit each person?


            • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
              Carrie, do you really only have 5 minutes to visit each person?
              The only reason it's 5 mins for each of them is because I just give them there medication. I didn't need to make them any dinner. And my other 2 calls have canceled. I now don't have to go back out until half 3.

              I had a walk around Li*dL when I finished. I had to drag myself away from all the gardening stuff But they did have some nice flowers for cheap outside the shop.


              • Afternoon. Been to allotment and cut the grass down there and got bean supports in. Sorted out two raised beds at home just the third one to go.
                Very hot here now so come in for a bit with the kids. Will go out again when its cooler.
                Hope everyone is having a good day.


                • Originally posted by cariann88 View Post
                  The only reason it's 5 mins for each of them is because I just give them there medication. I didn't need to make them any dinner. And my other 2 calls have canceled. I now don't have to go back out until half 3.

                  I had a walk around Li*dL when I finished. I had to drag myself away from all the gardening stuff But they did have some nice flowers for cheap outside the shop.
                  Sorry to ask you that Carrie but I remember how much my Nana looked forward to visits from the carers when they brought her lunch. She didn't really want the food - just to see someone to talk to. Five minutes would never have been long enough for her - and yes, I do have her chatty gene
                  Enjoy the rest of your day - until your next visit


                  • Evening, spent most of the day outdoors did some potting on and planting lettuce after that I got the sun lounger out.
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • Evening all, beautiful day here! Well went out to do some clothes shopping, got no clothes. Came home and son had left the garage freezer open last night...everything in it now in the bin! On way home the ABS light lit up on the dashboard, wouldn't mind but it's only just been serviced. The a pair of boots for �15.00 and now have a lovely clean freezer. Got to smile!!
                      Last edited by Jay22; 09-04-2015, 06:00 PM.


                      • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                        Sorry to ask you that Carrie but I remember how much my Nana looked forward to visits from the carers when they brought her lunch. She didn't really want the food - just to see someone to talk to. Five minutes would never have been long enough for her - and yes, I do have her chatty gene
                        Enjoy the rest of your day - until your next visit
                        One don't very good English, So we struggle communicating and the other one is grumpy and want's to be on their own. I do have longer with the others when I am making them something to eat and drink and we do have a good chat.


                        • VC I don't get long when I just do medication. They make there own dinners. But I do get longer when I am making dinners ect.


                          • As I suspected tail between my legs but what a bed it is! Eyes propped open, aching all over, away to bed. Sleep well all!
                            No matter:the allotment is lovely, the tadpoles have legs, my sea kale has germinated and I am glad to be home.


                            • Originally posted by kris1960 View Post
                              As I suspected tail between my legs but what a bed it is! Eyes propped open, aching all over, away to bed. Sleep well all!
                              As you make your bed, so must you lie in it - is that your motto for the day, Kris?
                              Nos da All, I'm off to my gwely now. See you tomorrow, bright eyed and bushy tailed


                              • Good morning and Happy Friday
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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