Scarlet I have been meaning to ask if you have seen the shepherd on Twitter...he has 10 border collie pups and updates not only what he is doing on the farm but also the progress of the pups...fabulous, especially this mornings tweet with the pups jumping off a step...soooo cute! You will find him @herdyshepherd1. Hope it's ok to post his twitter name here, if not perhaps the mods could remove it. It's really worth a look.
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Good evening
Hope your all well. I have just bought(yes I know I am cheating) a tomato plant with fruit already growing on it(because I can't wait) from Lid*l. �2.99 it cost me. They has some strawberry plants too for that price, but didn't pick any up because I have no where for them.
I am just waiting for my Thasda shop to be delivered and my OH to cook tea. Have a good eveningCarrie
Evening, where is everyone? Been a nice day today, I've not been in the garden, but have been chatting with my daughter for about 3 hours this afternoon which was just as soothing. Bad news is I have Bell's Palsy, fortunately only a mild case, but bad enough. I'm on steroids so it should get better soon. Doctor can't explain the reason for it - I'm just lucky I guessHope you're all well.
Granny on the Game in Sheffield
Sorry to hear you aren't to good Florence. Hope you feel better soon.
My sister was meant to come up and visit. She did in a way she basically got off the train told me she felt sick and she wasn't stopping. Thankfully she got back home ok and went straight back to bed.
Went to allotment and did a bit of pottering about.
Hope everyone has had a good day.sigpic
I'm sorry Florence. My sister had that years ago. It was an annoyance but didn't last long. Hope it gets better soon.
I missed the best part of the day, by the time I'd finished the urgent indoor work it was persisting down. Mineju, the gardens need it except mine which I have been forbidden to plant until the builders have left."I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
"It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)
Morning All :/ (that's the best I could do for a lop-sided smiley). I was Wrong about the weather, it's beautifully sunny if a tad windy. Breakfast has been cooked and devoured. Chester had a full Sprenglish, he's here with youngest GG and my youngest son is painting the shed. I have some bedding plants to put into my containers, so off to do that now. My only symptom this morning is blurred vision in my right eye. Still managed the crossword with my son reading out the clues! Have a good day.Granny on the Game in Sheffield
Artnoon AllI expected it to be wet and cold today but it isn't - its just cold!
Sorry to hear about your lopsidedness, FloHope you recover soon and it doesn't stop you eating and drinking! Just thinking, was it the same Mr Bell who named the palsy and the whisky?
Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing!
Afternoon,what a warm one again,we only had a little drop of rain last night,the air did smell fresher.
Sorry to hear your unwell FF,hope it soon passes.
Just looking at the sky,really blue with white and grey clouds,not seen that for a while,
Hope aunty mary is feeling better,
we have been a bit busy in the home garden again,hence not being on here as much,also got the lotties on the go,still not planted any spuds,ground is like concrete,just typical eh,when the ground was ok the body when into bug mode ext,what does not get planted,will not have to matter,will it.sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these
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