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  • The kids would love 2p milk! They are big rice pudding fans


    • Could be a bottle of shampoo, bubble bath, washing up liquid.............? I'll let you taste it first, Scarlet


      • Middle Golden Girl arrived to take Chester for a run out, so in 20 minutes I rustled up Roast Beef (carved and frozen so defrost and warmed), boiled potatoes (ready peeled from Tezzers) sprouts (frozen) carrots swiftly peeled and steamed, Aunt Bess Yorkshires and instant gravy. She was impressed, but not with the gravy, she likes my homemade. However, in the building site that is their house there are only ping meals, so she loved it. Chocolate bar for dessert and off she went. I'm off now to watch Elementary, see you on the morrow. Hope the boys are taking it all in their stride Scarlet and it's not too stressful for you. One of my granddaughters (middle son's girl) is also doing her GCSEs. Fingers crossed for them all
        Last edited by Florence Fennel; 12-05-2015, 08:58 PM.
        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


        • Good morning, the sun is out here

          I had a really good sleep last night. Only woke up once. I didn't want to get up this morning when my alarm went off. Best get ready for work.

          Have a good day


          • Morning All. Lovely day, sunny and warm. Have a good one
            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


            • It's looking good here to Flo, I may manage to get my plants in that I got on Saturday from the Malvern Spring show
              Last edited by Scarlet; 13-05-2015, 08:07 AM. Reason: Bl@@dy auto correct!


              • Woken up to sunshine, so nice. Washing and seed sewing is the order of the day
                Have a great day everyone
                Nannys make memories


                • Morning we've also got bright sunshine and doesn't it make a difference
                  Location....East Midlands.


                  • It does it ihavent moved for an hour, I'm on my second coffee and I'm now getting cake decoration stuff out boys aren't in school today so I'm having a lazy day at home


                    • Morning all! I'm heading off to take the car to the garage, then run home - it's the right distance for a training run. Unfortunately it is also unfamiliar territory and so I hope that i don't get lost in the cut throughs home....!


                      • Morning, lovely and sunny here too...yay!! My car is also in the garage for it's MOT but my OH took it in for me! (Garage is just round from work). Having a day of cleaning and sorting more in the garage...there are never enough hours in the day are there...not helped by the fact I keep popping in and out here!
                        Hope you all have a lovely day.


                        • Morning all, what lovely sunshine!

                          We dodged the frost here last night, min temp in the greenhouse was 6.5C, probably only a degree or so colder outside. But it's going to be cold, wet and windy tomorrow so I'm going to put the delicate stuff back in the greenhouse for shelter tonight or tomorrow morning.

                          Good luck with the cars, Hazel and Jay! Our rustbucket got MOT'd yesterday, our local mechanic wizz picked it up in the morning and delivered it back in the afternoon. It only failed on windscreen wipers so we escaped for under �100 which is as good as it gets. Hope it goes as well for you.
                          My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                          Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                          • I'm back! Did get - er - a bit lost on the way back from T0yota W0rld, but on the plus side, it was most encouraging to see all just what a hive of activity is going on at the big industrial estates at the back of the Jag assembly plant.

                            Originally posted by Martin H View Post
                            Good luck with the cars, Hazel and Jay!
                            Mine's in for a safety recall - the letter telling me about this was very technical but contained the words '.....risk of fire in the engine compartment....' so I booked in in tooty sweety!


                            • Cracking day here in swansea as well, need to get a bit done today as its supposed to pretty dismal tomorrow.
                              managed to pot on some toms before the wife went to work and left me with the grandson.


                              • Jack welcome to the chat thread is your grandson old enough to be a little garden helper or do you have to wait a while for that to happen ?
                                Location....East Midlands.


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