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  • Morning all, very cloudy and uninviting outside. Hope it improves later.
    Doing an afternoon session at the charity shop, my 3rd this week. Boy, do we have fun.
    Everything in the garden is doing well, moved the potato containers about to give them more room. I now have 3 large buckets on the main patio, along with umpteen beautiful strawberry plants. They are going great guns, we are on pigeon watch 24/7 lol
    Have a great weekend everyone, happy gardening
    Nannys make memories


    • Good morning everyone! I really need to get my GH stuff out and planted in my beds but I haven't had the time. Off to Wales in a bit though so it can't be done today.
      Have a good afternoon at the shop Sally!


      • Morning,hope the rain keeps away until we got the pond liner's in,just hope it stays fine whilst i wake up properly.
        It's all go in the gardening world for us all now,enjoy your day peeps,
        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


        • Morning!
          Tis nice to be home again....lots of catching up to do in the garden though...our cow pasture lawns are so lush, they've grown about a foot since we've been away!

          I hadn't realised how much I'd missed hearing our cockerels in the morning

          Busy day ahead in the garden...yey!
          We bought a couple of large potted rhubarb and a perennial poppy at a garden centre near Portsmouth on our return, and a huge bag of pest free MPC!
          ..And also bought a Physocarpus - anyone know much about them?...pretty red leaves, like acidity soil,OK down to dry can they be allowed to get when mature?
          Last edited by Nicos; 16-05-2015, 09:51 AM.
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • Good morning, sunny but cold and windy here. I've finished my morning round at work and now I am not back in till tea time

            Have a good day


            • Off to play in the garden now. I've started my homework ( end of year reports). If anyone fancies writing a report I'm sure I could fit it to a child. Amazing how many distractions I can find though. Need to get some pots planted up to make room in the cold frame and greenhouse. Sunny and quite warm out!
              Last edited by WendyC; 16-05-2015, 12:44 PM.


              • Afternoon and home again its still windy but the suns been out all day
                Location....East Midlands.


                • Good evening. I've just finished work, just waiting for my asda delivery. Best hurry up so I can open my wine


                  • Wow, forgotten how a hangover felt

                    Untill this morning/afternoon/evening

                    My uncles 80th last night and as sad as that may seem it was one of the best nights i remember for a long time.
                    All the familly together, band, harry karaoke and a sing song, bloody great night but.................................

                    Jeez im feeling it


                    • Evening All. It must have been a good night if you're still hung over Jack! The consolation is that you'll feel fantastic tomorrow I've had a couldn't be bothered day today so those leggy tomatoes are still waiting to be potted on. Son and DIL and his 4 children arrived this morning and stayed quite a while. I haven't seen them since Saturnalia, so my son came with a present for me for Mothering Sunday and I gave the children their Easter eggs, which they scoffed with great gusto! My youngest son and grandson are coming for breakfast tomorrow, I dare say Chester will have a Full Springlish again and I'm hoping my daughter is calling so I can cheer her up. She's down in the dumps because her house is like a building site I think I might make her some comfort food (probably a Cottage Pie) that she can warm up and ping. My home made gravy will go down a treat with that. I'd better be bothered tomorrow then
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • Ohhh, now then. A cottage pie, been a while since ive had one of those mmmmmm, and hmmmmmm, when can squeeze one in .


                        • It's a speciality of mine Jack. I had to work wonders with mince when the children were young, because money was something in very short supply!
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • I've just made a Fish "cottage" pie. Take 5 bolted leeks, half a bag of Savers white fish fillets and some leftover potatoes. Top with breadcrumbs made from a couple of slices of 2p loaf and some half price cheese (grated). Cost �1 max and there's enough for 4.
                            Gives me a rosy glow just thinking about how cheap it was


                            • Evening all

                              Hope you are all keeping well, not been on much the last couple of weeks, so probably missed all your news.

                              Finding it really hard just pottering around whilst on r & r, popped over the plot today and a couple of neighbouring plot holders have been holding the fort for me.

                              Been refered to the Brompton for more tests and got to have an MRI on my chest. Doctors 98% certain its nothing serious but because I had a bypass 11 years ago they just want to check.

                              Better safe than sorry as they say
                              Last edited by Greenleaves; 16-05-2015, 08:25 PM.


                              • Morning all
                                Up early - again! Why am I only unable to get back to sleep on a weekend? Sod's Law. Pottered about in the back garden last night after a funny sort of day. Had to go into work in the morning, revision and coursework completion, picked up my 'new' car in the afternoon (managed to trade in Mr Q's car, it was a beauty, SLK with a folding roof, but deeply impractical and a constant reminder - like I need that) and then did domestic stuff. But the sun is trying to shine now so will do more domestic stuff with a view to squeezing in a couple of hours at the plot later this afternoon. Just read that Martin H has eaten new potatoes - I only moulded mine up last week! Arrgghhhh! Can't decide if I am late this year or if all of you are early. Have a good day.


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