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  • Morning a.l, weather here is the same as everyone else's.
    Got a volunteering session this afternoon, and cake was made to take in yesterday.
    Our garden will love the rain today, although we still water the spuds
    Have a lovely day folks
    Nannys make memories


    • Mornin all!
      Blustery here.

      Hope all goes well for you today Martin x

      Got to get my iron 10 sets of bedding to iron....hmmmmph.

      Upside is that I have been donated by a very kind soul one of those pressing's quite small...40x70 cm...but anything which makes ironing over and done with quicker is a blessing!

      Time for a play me thinks!!!!!!!
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Morning all!

        Think it's stopped raining now, from what I can see from behind the desk - although Domino cat hasn't ventured through the catflap, so maybe not.

        Good luck with your scan today Martin - is a PET scan like a CAT scan?

        Just spoken to T0yota w0rld - I guess that no-one likes a phone call on a Monday morning in which a grumpy woman starts out with 'I'd like to speak to the Service Manager - I have a complaint about the work that you did on my car last week' - but then again, they shouldn't have left the car with the alternator unplugged.

        Right - better shuffle some files - that Task List does not do itself!


        • All my toms are now 'potted' up in their buckets, on top balcony, exposed to the elements! And today is wet and cold!


          • Cold and wet here


            • It's stopped raining and the sun is out. I don't know for how long, so I'm off for a run - feel free to take bets as to how many of the forecast heavy showers that I get caught in...


              • Just about to chuck the ironing press out of the window! thinks ironing is going to be quicker
                I spent more time rearranging the creases and turning and folding stuff to fit...maybe a bigger one would have been better

                Still, it was good to try out without having to pay out for one.
                Will have another bash, but not today- I need to crack on and make up for lost time!

                Glad it's not nice weather outside
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • Good afternoon,

                  Miserable wet day here too, tho the rain seems to have stopped. I was only in work till half 9 this morning(started at 7) and now I am off until Wednesday. Not that I am complaining like but the have cut my hours really down this week. Think it's punishment for being ill the other day :/

                  Hope everything went all right with you this morning Martin.
                  Weed, I drag my OH with me last year when I was going for stuff like that. It didn't come to my mind that it could be embarrassing for him. But it is nice for them to be there with you to support you. Hope all went well for your Mrs.
                  Last edited by cariann88; 18-05-2015, 02:57 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View Post
                    ... feel free to take bets as to how many of the forecast heavy showers that I get caught in...
                    Nearly made it back in the dry, but about half a km from home the heavens opened. Sun's out again now.


                    • Afternoon its scone and mug of tea time here

                      Hope you didn't get too wet Hazel that you had to empty your shoes.
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Caught one of those heavy showers today as well, while out for a walk with my daughter. Playing in and out of the heavy showers today. Planted out 4 sweetcornplants delivered by my brother in Law.
                        went for a bone scan and now trying to plant out a few flowers in between the rain and wind.
                        soul destroying weather.

                        And when your back stops aching,
                        And your hands begin to harden.
                        You will find yourself a partner,
                        In the glory of the garden.

                        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                        • got back from the hospital the wife is pleased she can have a hysterectomy in about ten weeks and yes martin i kept quite well almost and on our return the sun returned so i have planted some dahlias out but had a shock to find the neighbours ornamental cherry had spread a thick carpet of roots across my flower bed so that was a bit more work reducing it so i could plant it also acted like a sponge soaking up all that rain it was dry as a bone in that area very annoying but its a nice tree when it flowers so quite a good day all in all but back to work tomorrow night


                          • Good Luck Martin.
                            sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                            Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                            Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                            KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                            • Good morning, already showered and dressed this morning on my day off. Not sure what I am going to do today.

                              Have a good day


                              • Good Morning Carrie, Good Morning All. Raining here, but through the sunshine. Have a lovely day
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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