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  • We've had jacket potatoes, pizza and salad but looking out side we'd have been better having some hot baked beans with it.

    Can't help with your asparagus crowns but just wanted to say Hello G4
    Location....East Midlands.


    • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
      I see you were up early Bren!

      I've been out playing with the chooks- just needed to hang about whilst the broody had a bite to eat and drink and do her no 2's.

      Nice to see a warm clutch of deep brown eggs.
      These are even darker than the previous lot!...I'm sooo excited I can hardly contain my delight...these are going to be a very long 21 days!...oh...20 now!
      Oh, lucky you! My cockeral is firing blanks
      G4, get an F1 variety - the others self seed everywhere!
      Absolutely horrible weather today it's miserable - I really want to be outside but it's bloweing a gale out there.


      • Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View Post
        Does this rate as the most miserable weather for 1st June ever? Heavy showers rattling down all afternoon, and trees belting back and forth. My heating has kicked in on the thermostat too

        I may have the prize for the most unseasonal tea - and I have mackeral salad. Feels more like stew weather!

        I've just lit the fire...huge logs to last all night! It's bloody freezing for June.


        • Good evening everyone

          Hope you are all in good health? Been under going a barrage of tests to find out the cause of the pains in my chest and had an MRI, bad news is I am back good news is its nothing thats not treatable just unpronouncable! "Acute Costochondritis" a possibility caused by over doing the digging. Still mighty releaved to know it is not nothing serious although it took 5 weeks for a definitive answer....what have I missed?


          • Rain didn't arrive here until late afternoon but it's been bitterly cold here for weeks now. I did get a bit of my show celery bed dug today but the plants are stuck in the greenhouse as it is just too cold to plant them out. Ah well global warming eh?


            • Originally posted by Greenleaves View Post
              "Acute Costochondritis" a possibility caused by over doing the digging. Still mighty releaved to know it is not nothing serious although it took 5 weeks for a definitive answer....what have I missed?
              You have my sympathies - it's really painful, and you just have to wait till it gets better! But as you say, could be worse.


              • Originally posted by Greenleaves View Post
                Good evening everyone

                Hope you are all in good health? Been under going a barrage of tests to find out the cause of the pains in my chest and had an MRI, bad news is I am back good news is its nothing thats not treatable just unpronouncable! "Acute Costochondritis" a possibility caused by over doing the digging. Still mighty releaved to know it is not nothing serious although it took 5 weeks for a definitive answer....what have I missed?
                The OH has this as well from sailing. He was worried there was more as he was also having heart burn. It comes and goes. There was an article in the Daily Mail a month or two ago. Hope you get better.
                Last edited by cilla; 01-06-2015, 10:09 PM.


                • Right - the wheely bins have stopped rattling down the road, and I'm taking my tight calves off to bed.

                  Not sure if a 'recovery run' today consisting of a brisk run up the road to the shops, then back again was a great move, but if I'm serious about improving my fitness I need to be able to peel off a decent 200yds to the paper shop without looking like I am about to expire when I get there.


                  • morning all we seemed to have escaped any damage in the garden hope you all find the same but some how i doubt it.


                    • Morning All. Dull, cold and windy here. Have a goof day. I'm not correcting it, it's kind of nice
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • Morning all,I'm hoping today will be a little less windy. Fingers crossed


                        • Morning all. Had a very rough night last night with the wind. Have lost one of the roof panels on the lean to greenhouse. Wet here now and they have said its going to be windy again here tonight. Think greenhouse repairs are going to wait until tomorrow.
                          So going to keep warm inside today seed sorting I think.
                          Have a good safe day everyone


                          • Morning no damage here just a few things blown around the garden.

                            Take care GL I've been to google and you have my sympathy it does sound painful.
                            Location....East Midlands.


                            • Mornin all!

                              GL...not nice at all- no doubt you're relieved it's not life threatening though.

                              Really windy here too...puddn cat loves it and is going crazy...she just loves racing round the garden and dashing in and out of the house chasing stuff. Last time she was like this she brought us a dead leaf as a present!

                              Very dark though

                              Domestic chores again this rate I'll have caught up with the ironing and tidied up everywhere!...oh dear...that's not like me at all!
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • Morning all wet and windy, but not as bad as yesterday! If you said it was September/October I would believe you! Determined now to have a goofy day...thanks FF, that put a smile on my face!


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