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  • Mornin all!

    Hope you feel better soon Carrie x

    Stonking morning here - it actually feels like a summer morning...and smells like it too!
    The bird song is so calming.

    Lateral thought.....I've really been enjoying watching Springwatch this year. Anyone see last nights with the release of the beavers????....I hadn't realised they were so big!!!!!
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Morning all!
      I haven't watched it Nicos, beaver are big things! A friend of mine last year filmed a blue tit visiting a blackbirds nest to feed its young! He filmed it for about 4 hours and in that time the bluetot busted around 25times with the parent birds going less than 10. They put on Springwatch and I promised to watch.

      Boys have just gone off for their Maths GCSE - wish 'em luck and fingers crossed, it's the subject they both want to take, I think it's going to be difficult

      Off to the office now OH has gone off, do a little bit in peace so that I can get out the garden later - it's gonna be a beautiful day again


      • Morning the suns shinning so its going to be a good day

        Take care Carrie and good luck to your boys Scarlet.
        Location....East Midlands.


        • Morning All

          Beautiful morning here, might see if the OH will let me wander down to the plot for a look, no doubt she will have to come as well to make sure I dont do anything!

          Have a good day in the sun all


          • Its lovely to have company GL! I also go with the OH when he does his cycle rides, just incase he has a puncture. The one time I didn't go he fell off his bike :C


            • Only because men can't be trusted to be left alone that's why us women have to go along to supervise to make sure they get it right the first time :P
              Last edited by cariann88; 04-06-2015, 08:21 AM.


              • Sorry you have caught the cold that is going around Carrie, take care. Scarlet fingers crossed for your kids, I still remember the stress in our household during exams.
                Well yesterday I mentioned my neighbour had an accident in her car, it was an young provisional driver in a TT that hit her parked car and the side rear is all smashed up. Anyway it gave me a chance to go into the garden with a glass of wine and dead head the pansies, sort out the sweet peas as some got blow down by the wind and dig up some weeds. I cut my first lot of Freesia and brought them in the house.
                It is a glorious morning so got my t shirt and shorts on for a day in the garden, tomatoes will be planted out today.


                • Good's dark, cloudy and raining here! I'm going to the hairdressers today...last weeks appointment had to be cancelled as the stylist was taken to hospital, she's fine now I'm pleased to say! Hope you all have a lovely day.

                  Carrie hope you feel better soon!

                  Best of luck to the boys Scarlett, I'm sure they will do well! The plumber is coming out tomorrow to move my washing machine into the garage from the kitchen and he is going to have a look at that radiator you pointed out Scarlet...hopefully it will be ok!


                  • Morning all!

                    Finally it feels like summer. Not a great time to be having a cold, poor Carrie. Maybe sitting in some warm sunshine will help you feel better.

                    Fingers crossed for your boys and your chrysanths, Scarlet. Everybody have a good day, I'm off down the allotment to do some weeding and tidying.
                    My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                    Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                    • Afternoon all. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling to good Carrie. Hope a day sat in the sun will help you feel better.
                      Well went to the allotment to do some weeding and plant some runner beans direct into the ground. Had just put a wigwam up when I thought the bees were sounding rather noisy. When I looked up they were all coming out of the tree and started swarming. Thought s*d this I'm going home.
                      Have managed to put the roof on the lean to again so that's all sorted again. Have also putted on my toms into their black buckets. Only got 15 so far this year.
                      Anyway hope everyone is enjoying the sun. Have a good afternoon


                      • I wish i could go and sit out in the sun but i dont have a garden. So for now i am sat in bed with the curtins and window open with the sun shinning on me. My gyo mag come so will have a read of that


                        • Yesterday was our 43rd wedding anniversary, so it can be done!

                          The secret i quickly discovered was to do as I am told.
                          Last edited by Bill HH; 04-06-2015, 06:25 PM.
                          photo album of my garden in my profile


                          • Originally posted by cariann88 View Post
                            I wish i could go and sit out in the sun but i dont have a garden. So for now i am sat in bed with the curtins and window open with the sun shinning on me. My gyo mag come so will have a read of that
                            Is there a park nearby, Carrie? I find a walk in the fresh air does wonders for clearing the head and blowing away the cobwebs

                            Congratulations Mr and Mrs HH. Mrs HH deserves a medal


                            • Congratulations Mr & Mrs HH.
                              That is one truely impressive achievement. I hope you both had a wonderful day smiling about the past and planning for the future.
                              I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

                              Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


                              • Evening All. Congratulations Bill and Mrs you've caught us up! Your hair looks nice Jay. You really need to change your butcher Carrie - get well soon
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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