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  • Think the news is finally soaking in with my children that I am now attempting to grow 'things'.

    For Father's Day, all wrapped up nicely (Amazon really did a surprisingly good job!), I got this

    I've yet to work out exactly what to do with it. There isn't an 'on/off' switch and no batteries, so I take it I actually have to do a bit of thinking myself!

    Anyway, it will look good on a shelf in the shed...
    Attached Files


    • Good afternoon, I am still around! Just prepared our Sunday dinner and been out to the pet shop for a really big bag of rabbit food. And course fish stuff for the OH. One of our fish has given us some baby fishes. So OH is happy and trying to separate the baby fish so they don't get eaten.


      • Originally posted by Ding Dang Doo View Post
        Think the news is finally soaking in with my children that I am now attempting to grow 'things'.

        For Father's Day, all wrapped up nicely (Amazon really did a surprisingly good job!), I got this[ATTACH=CONFIG]56928[/ATTACH]

        I've yet to work out exactly what to do with it. There isn't an 'on/off' switch and no batteries, so I take it I actually have to do a bit of thinking myself!

        Anyway, it will look good on a shelf in the shed...
        Lovely pressie DDD...............

        Attached Files
        sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
        Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
        Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
        KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


        • Afternoon all, Suns disappeared, wind is blowing ip and the BBQ is lit. Typical British weather lol.
          I've camped out indoors, daughter and dad are having some together doing the BBQ. Who am I to interfere
          Onions on my burger please
          Nannys make memories


          • Evening all. Have been busy today doing odd jobs. Just come on line to have a look at Ebay as I was watching a greenhouse. Shame I missed it and it went at a really low price as well.
            Have a good evening everyone


            • Morning all, final day in Glasgow before flying home this evening.was lovely to see my big sister, and rest of family yesterday. Conference on Saturday was brilliant. Not sure what we are up to today, lunch at the Willow Tea Rooms is a definite I think.

              I do believe it has rained 'down South' so hope veggies got a good water.


              • Good Morning All. The day started beautifully, but there are dark clouds gathering now. We had a drop of rain last night and as my beans are just peeking out, I'd like a drop more. Have a good day
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • Morning the gardens looking good after all the overnight rain its still raining so I've missed my morning stroll around with my mug of tea.
                  Location....East Midlands.


                  • mornin all!

                    Perfect blight weather here today- warm and humid. At least it's dry and I can go out and do some sowing.

                    We were given some shrivelled Oca tubers and are really excited to see they have actually started to grow leaves!!!!
                    Pretty leaves too- they look like clover don't they??

                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Morning all. Very cold and over cast here at the moment. Done quite a few jobs before I took the kids to school so sitting down for a few minutes. Going to pot on my lupin seedlings and then try and take some herb cuttings.
                      Have a good day everyone


                      • Great!...thanks

                        Looks like you've sent your rain over our way!
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • Good morning,

                          Yes I know I am meant to be in work. But see rant thread. So I am lay here in bed at the moment. Not sure what the weather is like. OH birthday today, and poor him is round around for me doing stuff.


                          • Morning all! It was a lovely day here until about half an hour ago when it clouded over, and now it very rainy indeed. Good for the plot, not so good for Domino cat who has complained to me about it - as all cats know, their owners control the weather.


                            • Morning all! Sorry you're not well again, Carrie, hope your back improves as the day goes on.

                              The sun here is coming and going, we've showers forecast for later. Blightwatch says we met the full Smith criteria here yesterday but it's supposed to get colder later and that should slow down the blight a bit. Fingers crossed.

                              In the meantime I'm watching the end of the golf highlights from yesterday, I fell asleep and don't know who won!
                              My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                              Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                              • Thanks Martin. I don't know what I have done. It just started yesterday morning. I feel like I am 90 not 26!


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