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  • Morning All GG ate all her Birthday Breakfast - and Chester enjoyed a Full Springlish. Beautiful day here at the moment. Enjoy your day
    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


    • Just a quick good afternoon...lots to do moving things from the kitchen but thought I'd pop in quickly! Have a great day everyone!


      • Do we get to see pictures when it's finished? I love to dream


        • Originally posted by bearded bloke View Post
          Morning awl

          What is this breakfast I hear you talk of ? & is it good for my silthlike figure ?
          I have porridge and yoghurt Monday to Friday then bacon sarnies at the weekend, I love the smell of bacon
          Location....East Midlands.


          • Yey!!!

            I've just opened the 2015 VVS...looking forward to seeing everyone's entries!
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • Its time to stick the 'don't forget to take photo' on the fridge door. usually I only remember when I've eaten half.
              Location....East Midlands.


              • Me too Bren!
                Been out spending my money today I've got a lovely selection of new shrubs to fill up my borders at the back of my garden and had a lovely chat over coffee with a great friend
                We are off for a BBQ tonight - last minute invite as the weather is good. Got my fizz chilling in the fridge and my feet up for10. Chocolate brownie in the oven for pudding.


                • Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
                  Do we get to see pictures when it's finished? I love to dream
                  Depends what it looks like! Beginning to think I've made a mistake with the units I've picked...!!


                  • Evening all. Had a busy day today. First of all the kids were at my mom and dads so we got up early and went to the allotment to do some watering and to fill up the water butts. Picked plenty of strawberries and potatoes while we were there. Then went to pick the kids up.
                    Then this afternoon I ended up having to unblock the overflow in the kitchen sink. Ended up using one of the kids arty crafty pipe cleaners and some bicarb of soda.
                    Have also tided up the decking again and done some weeding. Picked some baby beetroot and radish so hoping to sow some more seeds tonight.
                    Hope everyone has had a good day.
                    Have a good evening everyone


                    • There's always something better after you've bought it -no matter what it is! Looks better, cheaper, easier to fit. stressful DiY. It will look lovely when it's done, there's always something that you wished you hadn't chosen or you want to change but I think it's the shock of getting it done. You'll love it in a fortnight
                      Last edited by Scarlet; 27-06-2015, 10:16 PM.


                      • Morning all. Overnight rain here, just as well I did a lot of weeding yesterday Why does rain make the weeds grow faster than the crops? Off out to lunch today with SiL, BiL and FiL (yes it's the Outlaws!). I did all the ironing yesterday but didn't plant my seeds. Tut. So this afternoon for that little job. Better to plant them in slightly damp ground (she said hopefully).

                        I have bought a boxed set of Season 4, Game of Thrones. Watched 3 episodes back to back - it is utterly compulsive and I am always suprised when the credits roll - "What it's over? Already?". Enjoy your Sunday. Let's hope for a little sun.


                        • Morning all!
                          Game of thrones? A friend of mine is also addicted to that perhaps I need to dust off the TV?
                          Pouring down here, yes we really need it but I want to get my plants in. Feeling excited about them
                          Perhaps it will be drier later.


                          • I'm loving my "little coffee spot" this morning. Shame it's raining but it looks lovely with all my new plant stood waiting to be planted up. I'm like a kid in a sweet shop. Can't wish this rain away fast enough, even though We need it.
                            Attached Files


                            • Morning all. Raining here at the moment so that will save me a job tonight. So it will be the usual sunday jobs like bathing the kids, doing the washing and ironing and then getting tea ready.
                              Have a good day everyone


                              • I love watching Game of Thrones. Can't wait for season 6!

                                Good evening, weather has been rubbish here. Raining this morning and then grey clouds this afternoon. And as I type this the sun has just come out.


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