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  • Morning everyone, another warm sunny day in prospect here. We had some decent rain last night, so everything's looking a bit fresher.

    I've not been feeling all that great this week so I haven't done much or been on here much either. But today I'm off up the allotment in a bit, I've got netting to check after the strong winds yesterday, stuff to plant out and there will be flowers to cut for the house.

    Have a good day, y'all!
    My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
    Chrysanthemum notes page here.


    • Morning all. OH said we had a thunder storm in the early hours but I didn't hear it
      Glad you are feeling a bit better Martin
      I have just been down the garden and managed to pick some red currants before the birds got them all like last year.
      Going to my M+D this afternoon to drop some spuds, the red currants and some strawberries off.
      Have a good day everyone


      • Morning all! Carrie, pizza for breakfast, that's almost as bad as Scarlets sardines!!

        Glad you are feeling better Martin, enjoy your day at your allotment.

        Well it's been blowing a hoolie here all night and this morning...chucking it down too! Where did summer go? Got the tiler in this morning and also tomorrow morning so no long lie or cooked breakfast, beginning to wish this refurb was finished now.

        Have a great day all!


        • G'Moooooooooooooooooooooornin' Peeps! Feeling a little jaded here after last night's storm(s) We are dog-sitting for my folks, so last night was spend very uncomfortably, as all three retrievers decided it was far too scarey to sleep, and jumped aboard! One behind my pillow, one in my armpit and the other trying to get in between the two. I could do with a nap!

          Anyway, the deluge was very welcome, water buts and buckets are full, the flowers are smiling, and everything is still wet. The dogs' water bowl is full of dirt, so the rain must've come down that hard that it bounced the dirt up into the bowl!

          Have a fab day, catch ya later.
          All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
          Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


          • Originally posted by Jay22 View Post
            Morning all! Carrie, pizza for breakfast, that's almost as bad as Scarlets sardines!!
            Ha, that's what I had this morning delicious!

            Glad you are feeling better Martin.
            Hot and humid here, we did have thunder and lightning last night but I can't see much evidence of rain

            We are off in a bit to Usk, OH has a 25mile race. I've just woken the boys up to tell them that we are leaving! It really gets me annoyed them lying in bed all day and then gaming until the small hours and to top it off when I get back they will have eaten everything out of the fridge!


            • One word for Carrie and Scarlet...YUK!!


              • You should give it a try Jay!


                • Eh...think I'll pass thanks Carrie! :/


                  • Just made a fabulous Spanish tortilla with spuds and onions from the garden. Picked and cooked, that's lovely
                    It was very tasty and was served with carved ham and tomato slices.
                    Took a photo for the comp just in case nothing better comes along
                    Nannys make memories


                    • Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeevenin' Peeps! How are we all? Hot and humid here again today, but cooling off now. I'm hoping for a good night's sleep tonight.

                      G & T anyone?
                      All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                      Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                      • Evening all. Just sat here channel flicking for a bit
                        I'll have a large G&T please G4


                        • Good morning,

                          I am not happy with work ringing me at half 6 this morning when I was a sleep.(see rant thread) Not been able to get back to sleep so I am up.

                          Have a good day


                          • Mornin all!

                            I was woken by a massive thunderstorm Carrie!

                            Hoping to do a bit of jam or chutney making today from stuff in the freezer.
                            I've still got last year's blackberries frozen, and last year's morello cherries frozen ( this year's are almost ready to take)

                            Bit short on jam jars though
                            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                            Location....Normandy France


                            • Morning everyone

                              Actually managed a decent nights sleep last night as we had single digit temps, cloudy and grey at the moment so looks like a good day to do some of the more physical tasks that require my attention over the allotment.

                              Have a super Sunday all


                              • Raining this morning. Good steady rain, forecast to last a few hours. So schoolwork this morning and hopefully a drier afternoon so I can get on with bindweed pulling at the plot.


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