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  • I need a lie down after reading that lot ^^^^


    • I am being sent to the allotment keep out of the way whilst the housework is done......painless


      • I'm psyching myself up to go and get the paper......... by the long route.
        I hate walking in the cold and damp, but won't get fitter if I sit on my bum all day :blush:


        • First step out the front door is the hardest, Thelma. Go on - put your coat on - it's quite nice out there really, and you'll be back before you know it just in time for lunch.


          • I'm back gammy knee is a bit sore, as usual when it's cold - but it's getting easier!

            Have ordered a stepcounter, so I can see how I'm doing over time. It's all much more difficult in the winter when there's not much going on at the 'lotment!


            • Horrible going out when it's cold and dark, but it really is worth the effort.


              • It's really nice out there today. Maybe a little damp but it's not too cold. I thought I would do loads today but not got very far -I'll leave it for another day now


                • Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarternoooooooooooon Peeps! Horsey chores done, dogs walked (well, I walked, they ran, jumped, paddled and trotted lol), chooks done, dogs hosed and rubbed-down, coffee consumed.

                  Hubby rubbed-down the dogs, and helped a little with the chook fence 'issues' and he also made the coffee. Bless!

                  Oh well, back to paperwork...
                  All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                  Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                  • Good evening peeps..Hope everyone has had a good day..Feeling so tired this evening,maybe the festivities is finally catching up on me lol..enjoy the rest of your evening peeps


                    • Right, grub n TV time.
                      All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                      Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                      • Right I am off too. There is a program called Undatables on 4 that I want to watch and then I am going to read for a bit before bed.


                        • Evening all!

                          I've had a fun day. I got up late and didn't feel like going out, so I spent my day getting my blog ready to record progress in 2015. I've set up a separate page for each of the 25 beds on my allotment ready to put pictures in as I do stuff, then primed them with the most recent picture I have from the end of 2014. All I need to do now is actually make some progress...

                          For the nosey, the link is here:

                          Now I'm relaxing with an online poker game with my friends, before bedtime.
                          My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                          Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                          • MH with 25 beds you are showing distinct signs of madness - good on you!
                            Sighs with envy.
                            I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

                            Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


                            • Good morning

                              Up early this morning but may sneak off back to bed once the fella has gone to work. I am going to stick the kettle on, coffee anyone?


                              • Righto, I ' m drinking my coffee in bed, looking out at the darkness, waiting for the dawn, and then I've decided I'm going to allotment for a couple of hours! Yes honest, I am.
                                Last edited by Dorothy rouse; 06-01-2015, 06:10 AM.


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