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  • Jay when you are sorted can you let us know how Harry is?
    I've just started a new thread on bucket lists feel free to laugh!
    Piggin hell it's windy and going to get worse apparently.
    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

    Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


    • Hazel, I'm puzzled? Where's all the junk that is stored in larder cupboards? Especially on the top shelves that are out of reach to tiddlers like me?


      • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
        Hazel, I'm puzzled? Where's all the junk that is stored in larder cupboards? Especially on the top shelves that are out of reach to tiddlers like me?
        I will take a pic of it filled up again, with explanatory notes.

        Oh - and note the steps in the first pic - you do not have a monopoly on tiddlership.


        • Morning All, morning tiddlers (that made me smile because of the double whatchamacallit). Another dark and dismal one here, but hey ho, the weekend is nearly here. Have a good day

          I have a larder cupboard similar to that Hazel, but I wouldn't dare show anyone because it's full of gardening supplies
          Last edited by Florence Fennel; 08-01-2015, 06:48 AM.
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • Mornings all - blimmin' 'orrible 'ere

            Really dark and pouring down, deep puddles everywhere!
            Unless there's a drastic improvement later, it's an indoor day and that means housework
            or finish painting the bathroom

            eeny meeny miney mo I'll have a coffee while I think about it


            • Morning

              I hate sorting out my kitchen cupboards it always seems a good idea at the start then you turn around and wonder will it all fit back in.
              Location....East Midlands.


              • Morning folks, grey and rainy here. Woke up with such pain in the base of my thumb I cannot move it without excruciating pain. I blame book reading in bed, my kindle rain out of battery mid read, so I picked up a Tess Gerritson and read that over two nights and however many wake ups at silly o clock.
                Anyone got any ideas how to sort this poorly thumb out?
                Nannys make memories


                • Morning all! A grey and drizzly one here, but as Flo says, it's Thursday, which is good.

                  I'm gradually filling up the larder cupboard again - everything that can go through the dishwasher is doing so.

                  Need to make one or two decisions about all those bottles and packets of 'stuff' that have accumulated in the basket on the bottom shelf and whether I still want them, or if they should live elsewhere E.g. wd40, woollite, paste for sticking down wallpaper edges, baby bio (I don't have any houseplants), hard floor cleaner liquid for the carpet cleaner, soda crystals, sink plunger etc etc.

                  But for now I need to shuffle some files about. Have fun with housework, those who can't get out of it.


                  • Morning all but hey what a morning here. Rain was bouncing this morning so got soaked taking kids to car to take OH to work.
                    Got back sorted kids out ready for school then noticed Han needed a clean jumper but she said she didn't have one/ couldn't find one. So took Will upstairs to wash his hands and to hunt for a school jumper, which was found in less than 5 seconds hanging up in the wardrobe.
                    Came back down did dinner boxes then heard a strange dripping sound. Looked up and had water dripping from the ceiling. Ran upstairs to find Will had filled the sink up, left the tap running and the overflow was blocked by a flannel. So 6 bath towels later most of the water is dried up and 3 kitchen towel later the kitchen floor and ceiling are wiped over.
                    Then it was time to take kids to school and visit my mom. Only been there about 20 mins when my dad rang to say he was coming home from work not feeling to good. Bit of a concern because he had a major stroke about 18 months ago. So sat and waited for him to get in and say hi. He does look tired but seemed ok.
                    So I am now home. The heating is on and I have a cuppa. No chocolate biscuits because I am being good with my diet. Just thinking what to have for dinner.
                    Hope everyone is having a good day and not as eventful as mine


                    • Morning all!
                      Nasty old day here but Mr Metcheck says it's going to brighten up later.
                      I think I'll tidy my desk then get the Mr Sheen on it.
                      My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                      Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                      • Originally posted by Jay22 View Post
                        Just a quick hello as we still have no internet. Hope you are all well. A quick flick through the threads tells me I have missed a couple of birthdays...Happy Belated Birthday to you all...hope you had a lovely day. Will be at least Friday before I am reconnected to the World Wide Web as engineer has to come so hopefully see you all then! Won't hold my breath though? Son is having a nervous breakdown having to cope with no net...!!!
                        I'm with you there Jay! No router here and just using 3G on my phone is a nightmare. If I click like on a post it can take minutes before I do anything else


                        • Happy Midday from Puppyland - and its sunshiny
                          One load of washing out drying and the 2nd lot in the machine. Better check the wind direction in case you're sending all the wet stuff to me
                          At midnight, last night, it was 11C. Cooled down to 9.3 now. If this is January weather, keep it coming
                          Hope it dries up for you all


                          • Good afternoon, sunny and dry here. Been to the shops this morning to pick a few things up that we need and then searched for more jobs.

                            I think this afternoon I am going to catch up with my GYO magazines and maybe look threw my seed box and see what I can grow in the flat.

                            Have a good day


                            • Please send the sunshine this way. It's been grey and wet all morning


                              • Evening folks!

                                It's day 2 of the Larder Cupboard clean, and everything is clean and sparkly and going back in the cupboard. Except I am making some Hard Decisions about some things. For instance all the 'tuperware' type containers are all on the worktop where I will be playing a game of snap with the bottoms and tops - any odd men out will be chucked out.

                                Also I have a pile of stuff to be put in the garage - baby bio, small watering can, wilko tommie feed, *ahem* flea spray, and the fly spray.

                                I have discovered that I have a 'karndeen everyday cleaning fluid' which came with the flooring, 'hard surface floor cleaning fluid' which came with the carpet washer thingy - and of course the normal flash that I keep under the sink for ... cleaning the floor. I see some duplication there.

                                Right - less chatting, more sorting.....


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