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  • Morning Nicos, morning all

    Nice clear skies at the moment so hopefully a day without rain. In addition to Nicos having to mime everything I am getting a cold again!

    lets hope some fresh air over the plot clears my head..? Na ta to the cuppa Nicos


    • Morning all! Clear here too GL, OH is preparing to go for a bike ride...I'm putting the kettle on so I'll join you Nicos OH has to take the dog out for a 5min walk around the garden first. The dog has decided he's not going to go for walks with anyone except me so I'm not allowed to feed him or walk him for a few days in the hope he gets a little more sociable with the rest of the family.


      • G'Moooooooooooooornin' Peeps! Bright and breezy out there today. Dull and thick-headed in here though!

        Yesterday my voice went from deeeeep-and-gravelly in the morning, with suggestions for getting a job on one of 'those' telephone lines, to sqeaky-with-bits-missing in the evening. No idea what it's doing today, as the dogs are down the garden and Hubby and his lurgy are still snoring, no one to try it out on, yet. I feel fine though, apart from a sore throat, so on the mend already. I never keep a cold for long - it started with a tickly throat on Thursday and will likely be gone by tomorrow, which, I'm pleased to say, is normal for me. If you wanna know the secret, I'm happy to share...

        Coffee with honey, anyone?
        Last edited by Glutton4...; 11-01-2015, 08:15 AM.
        All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
        Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


        • Yeah, strong and black please

          I don't keep a cold for long either, in my case I think it may well be the alcohol running through my blood stream try singing, you'll find out if it's back

          Dog has just nicked the bananas from the fruit bowl - brown chewed up skins to pick up...
          Last edited by Scarlet; 11-01-2015, 08:29 AM.


          • Morning All - back to sunshiny stuff today
            My cold's last about 3 weeks and I have one a year - usually in December. I read (or made it up) that cold's are your body's way of ridding itself of all the bugs and grot that build up in your body. Once gone, it starts again collecting the bugs, until there are so many they overflow into a cold.
            Reading that ^^^^ I think I may have made it up

            Whatever, hope you're all better soon although I'm enjoying the peace and quiet.


            • Morning all. It's bright here today and there doesn't seem to have been any frost overnight.
              One more cup of tea then I'm going to see what's happening down my allotment and maybe carry on with some clearing up. Catch you all later!
              My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
              Chrysanthemum notes page here.


              • Just finished clearing up from last nights meal, it's bright and sunny, so am going up to Plot, to carry on digging up old strawberries, they are a real mess, and the straw I put underneath them has started to grow also, so pretty hard going.


                • It's so b@@dy cold here I have a change of plan! Off to the GC for a little look and another coffee


                  • Morning..not long up,but the sun is performing,if it's still out in bit,am of down the plots,do some more sheds clear up,looking much better,also some more outside clear up,
                    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                    • Morning its cold and windy here but very sunny the sort of sunshine that tries to trick you into thinking it warm.
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • No tricks here Bren it's freezing! No matter, coffee and the papers now at the GC

                        Not the best advert for a GC with a dying cyclamen on the table...
                        Attached Files


                        • OMFG is it COOOOOLD out there!? Hubby's playing silly-boogers with the cars, and his nose and hands were blue, last time I looked.

                          The dogs want me to go play with them, and they can ... off too!

                          Just (finally) finished last year's accounts ready for the accountant on Monday, and, determined not to be caught out again, I've started on this year's.

                          Oh, my voice is still up-and-down like a teenage boy, but my sore throat has gone.

                          All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                          Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                          • Good afternoon, just a quick hello as I got to start making tea soon. Got my mum, dad and sister coming around for tea. Lets hope I don't burn anything hehe. Cold here today and looks like its going to rain.


                            • Aarternoon - chilly here as well - it was bright and sunny earlier which made it all seem much warmer.

                              I took Petal to her first puppy class at the Dogs' Trust this morning - she did well when she decided to come out from hiding under my chair!

                              Now both dogs are belting in and out of the dog flap causing mayhem in the garden. They have been digging up bulbs, ripping open my recycling sacks and scattering the papers and chewing on rosehips and crab apples.

                              Actually the rosehips they have brought in to chew smell rather nice - a good air and breath freshener for them!
                              Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                              • Afternoon all! I was glad that I listened to you lot at lunchtime when you said it was chilly - I changed to a long sleeved T for my run round the park, and I'm glad that I did - the blustery wind was sharp.

                                I was also glad that I put a stew in the slow oven before I went out - not much beats the smell of stew wafting from a warm kitchen when you come home froz and knackered.

                                And now a hot bath beckons.


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