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  • Morning all, it's Snowing here in West London. Won't come to much I don't think but it's pretty nippy out there.
    Just had a lovely dippy egg with fresh bread brought to me by Hubby. He has to, so's I know it's Saturday lol.
    Off to Charity shop to work today, 4th time this week. One of our volunteers in having chemo again, so I'm covering her shifts till she returns. Beats being a couch potato
    Nannys make memories


    • Morning All from Sunshiny South Wales where the temp. is a barmy 3.2 - definitely barmy here Some frosty. icy stuff but stayed just above freezing overnight.
      Hope you're enjoying your breakfasts - mine was hot buttered toast and random fruit jam


      • Ooh they must have delivered the snow to your address Nannysally - no snow here! Never mind - it looks like the sun is coming out instead!
        Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


        • Good morning, just started to snow here. Been around to my parents this morning after picking some meat up of the market. Got some pots from my greenhouse to bring home with me so I can start growing My fly away greenhouse is completely come apart from the windy weather we have been having, one pot is smashed in there.

          Done some cleaning since I have been back, need to finish off but the OH is in bed still and will complain if I start cleaning in the bedroom and hoover.

          Going switch the kettle on, anyone like a drink?


          • Morning All. Beautiful bright sunny day here, but freezing of course. Have a lovely day
            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


            • Aaaaaaaaaaaaaarternooooooooooon Peeps! Horsey chores done, and a quick visit to the Butcher for sommat scrummy for sunday roast.

              All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
              Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


              • Afternoon, just need to hoover now but first me and the OH are going to the garden center. I may as well work there seeing as I am always there haha. It's got a fish bit in it, so will keep the OH happy while I go around seeing what I can find.


                • .....................
                  Last edited by Dorothy rouse; 17-01-2015, 02:52 PM. Reason: Decided against posting comment


                  • Originally posted by Dorothy rouse View Post

                    Last edited by Dorothy rouse; Today at 03:52 PM. Reason: Decided against posting comment
                    I was like that at 2am this morning after having investigated the next-door's house alarm going off. Twice.

                    I was very eloquent in my post but it would have been the equivalent of shouting and waving my arms about, so I deleted, and went to bed instead. Couldn't get to sleep mind, after all that potential burglarisation. There wasn't, and it was fine, but I can't help thinking that (a) not having your back gate locked (b) forgetting to lock the patio door and (c) going away overnight is a combination of happenings that can only bring woe. Especially for your lovely neighbour who is prepared to go round and turn the alarm off in the early hours when something has set it off.

                    i was so cross the second time that I hoped it WAS a burglar then I could have smacked him on the chops for being so inconsiderate.

                    Today I have grovelly neighbours, and a conciliatory box of chocs.


                    • Sorry - ^^^^ that should have been in the rant thread!

                      Flippin' cold here today - I've been out looking in furniture shops for a new (more versatile) kitchen table. Haven't quite found the right thing, so round two tomorrow. I have washing on the line, and a stack of housework stuff to do. But a warming cup of coffee first, I think, and an egg custard.


                      • Evening All

                        First time this week I have felt anything like human....been unable to keep anything down and lived cuddling a bowl. Dr says it is some gastric bug I have picked up from the grandchildren and will go on its on.

                        Hope everyone has been keeping well and I haven't missed too much.


                        • Oh dear GL - they are little germ factories aren't they? Hope you're soon fully recovered
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • Thanks Flo


                            • Hope your better soon GL


                              • Thanks Carrie, hows the new home?


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