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  • How is Petal Jeanied, missed catching up with her, VC's puppies and of course Stan over the last few weeks?

    Well, taking myself off to bed, enjoy the rest of your night if anyone is still up and will see you in the morning. Goodnight all. Zzzzzzzzzz


    • To be honest, Jay22, Petal is a gorgeous girl but a very troublesome pup - especially with a neighbour that objects to every bark and yap she makes. Petal loves to vocalise when the cat makes a noise upstairs, or Rosie has something she wants which is often - toy, ball, dog chew - or when she wants to be let through the door or dog gate. I am frantically trying to keep her quiet by walking her lots and feeding her late at night - but recently my most successful attempt was 4.30 am coming down and tucking in for a few more hours on the sofa with her!
      Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


      • G'Moooooooooooooooooooooornin' Peeps! How ya doing?

        Not too much exercise for her young joints Jeanie. Does she know the word 'NO!' Yet? Practice it whenever she has something or is doing something that you don't want. She'll learn it very quickly at that age, and when she barks, a sharp 'NO!' Will usually do the trick. Although, trying to teach it to an adult is harder (she says, as Roxy barks her head off outside...) Little treasure...

        You can also reinforce it with a squirt of water from a squeezie bottle. Well, that was the only trick that would work with my Mum's last dog, anyway. Lol Sounds like she's really settled in well now. It's lovely having two who play together and entertain themselves - my two are great chums.

        Anyway, that's enough of my waffling, I have paperwork to do, and a Hubby at home who has promised to help! Kettle's hot...
        Last edited by Glutton4...; 24-01-2015, 08:52 AM.
        All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
        Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


        • It's a lovely bright morning here after the overnight rain. I'm looking to spend some more time in the back garden, sorting out the compost heap and digging up plants where my new lawn is going to be. It's only a small area so I'm thinking I might try and make the sward fine enough to practise putting on...
          My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
          Chrysanthemum notes page here.


          • Morning. Hope everyone is keeping well. Has been a rough night as little boy started being sick 10ish and carried on until 3ish. But because he has a chesty cold he didn't get much sleep as he kept waking himself up coughing and sneezing.
            He is thankfully now keeping water down and a little bit of dry cereal so hopefully he will pick up even more as the day goes on.
            Was going to get my hair coloured this afternoon but that will have to wait until later. Doing the RSPB bird count today so that should be fun.
            Have a good day everyone out there


            • Morning all! I'm sitting on a chair by the back door doing the bird count.

              Domino cat is very helpfully sitting by the cat flap and telling my with a pathetic m-e-w-w-w-w-w-w every time a bird arrives to have some grub. It's a fine balance between him losing interest and wandering off, or going through the cat flap and disturbing everyone. He'll be 16 next week, so all he does is tell them off these days.

              The usual suspects have come and had breakfast - and I've also seen a wren just by the back door, which was a lovely surprise.

              Lovely sunny day here - what are you lot up to?


              • The sun is lovely here in W. london Hazel. Makes you feel sooo much better when it's out don't you think?
                Charity shop, then cat and grandson sitting later. This involves a fish and chip supper, so no complaints from me.
                Our daughter and partner are spending a couple of nights in Sandbanks, a well deserved rest for them both
                Nannys make memories


                • Originally posted by Nannysally99 View Post
                  The sun is lovely here in W. london Hazel. Makes you feel sooo much better when it's out don't you think?
                  Charity shop, then cat and grandson sitting later. This involves a fish and chip supper, so no complaints from me.
                  Very much so, NS. Sounds like you have a nice day lined up - I have Saturday housework stuff to do then I'm joining Snadge for a run In my case through Sutton Park.


                  • Right - Domino has gone through the catflap neatly bringing my hour of bird counting to an end. Grand total of 1 robin, just 1 blackbird (don't know where Mr B is today), 2 pigeons, 1 magpie and 1 wren.


                    • Lovely and sunny here too!
                      Had a lovely meal out last night at friends...haggis mmmm....!
                      Pottering day today for paperwork to do as well as domestic chores.

                      OH is fitting an interior door to separate off my newly created laundry room, and then rehanging the radiator once he's skimmed the small wall in there.
                      Getting exciting!

                      Might do a bit of weeding until frostbite sets in
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • Morning, is sunny here, v cold. Have the day on my own, ironing done! ( exciting eh), now time for coffee, then a kick from behind for me, to get myself up to Plot. Have chippings to move to paths and strawberries to be dug up.

                        Ok, in a minute.


                        • Morning, showery here with a little sunshine in between! Hope all is well with everyone. Hope your little one is on the mend feel so helpless when your kids are ill.
                          I would second G4's suggestion Jeanied about the squirt of water. Harry is terrible for barking, but unlike Petal, it's only as he is getting older. We had no problems when he was a pup or young dog. It drives us up the wall sometimes so goodness knows how the neighbours feel. Anyhoo after using the squirty bottle a few times he got the message. Now when he is particularly bad, I only have to lift it and he stops. Does him no harm as it's just a quick squirt of water. Worth a try. In my experience shouting no ( which was what we were doing) only made it worse as he thought we were joining in!


                          • Its sunny, and windy here - just got back from Lu Lu lottie after more ripping out of overgrown unidentifiables.
                            I have managed to liberate (I did ask the head gardener for permission) a load of pots so I'm about to turn our largish porch into an onion nursery.
                            I suppose I better tell Mr Lump we won't have anywhere to dry the washing for the foreseeable - he will just go 'humpf'
                            Oh Oh coffee first
                            I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

                            Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


                            • Afternoon All and Ey Up (I do miss Binley). Freezing cold outside. One Golden Girl tonight, so looking forward to that.
                              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                              • Afternoon, its been cold here today not icy though just cold.

                                NVG hope your little one improved enough to enjoy the bird count. we're doing ours tomorrow.
                                Location....East Midlands.


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