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  • To be fair, we went to a theme park with the brownies (I would guess it was Drayton Manor) - I cracked my face on the slide and chipped a notch out of one of my brand new front teeth. I was very upset about not being able to eat any of my box of fruit gums on the way home!


    • I went to London twice, once in junior school (when I got lost in the Tower of London, daydreaming about the Princes in the Tower. The rest of the class moved on and I was left behind. Once all the kids were back on the coach they realised i was missing. They found me eventually)
      Second time was in high school and we were travelling on the tube. A few of us decided not to get on the tube but let the teacher get on without us. We waved to her as the train pulled away from the station. We were very good though, we waited for her to catch the next train back )
      We were the only class that wasn't allowed a school trip abroad! Wonder why


      • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
        I went to London twice, once in junior school (when I got lost in the Tower of London, daydreaming about the Princes in the Tower. The rest of the class moved on and I was left behind. Once all the kids were back on the coach they realised i was missing. They found me eventually)
        Second time was in high school and we were travelling on the tube. A few of us decided not to get on the tube but let the teacher get on without us. We waved to her as the train pulled away from the station. We were very good though, we waited for her to catch the next train back )
        We were the only class that wasn't allowed a school trip abroad! Wonder why

        One has to wonder how you ever became a moderator
        photo album of my garden in my profile


        • I'm a Nutterator, Bill There's nothing moderate about me


          • Raining cats and dogs here now. Hope the weather is better in Chester. my daughter and SIL have taken the youngest GG and her friend to the Zoo. The other two GGs are both working so didn't have the option to go.

            We had a London trip in my first year at senior school, but that's about it. I have more experience of organising trips for Brownies, Guides and Rangers. Even those trips are far more exciting these days. The last one my youngest GG went on was sleeping over in The Deep next to the sharks!
            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


            • Our school didn't do trips unless you count the half hour trips to the local swimming baths, but I do remember the weekend trips with St Johns ambulance
              Location....East Midlands.


              • I seem to remember trips to Bristol zoo...I loved the flamingos.
                My boys seem to get the advenrous trips...bush week. With a sleep out one night in the camp they made out of trees, leaves etc. they were allowed to take a roll mat, and a sleeping bag, food that they had to cook. Make a fire from Flint etc. they loved it


                • Afternoon, peeps!

                  We had a geog trip to the river Dove to look at the limestone rock formations too. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

                  I've been to the Hill in the drizzle, planted my shallots, then went up the the Clubhouse to see if I could find a commitee member who has a key for the storeshed. Didn't find anyone to sell me BFB, but did have a sneaky 1/2 pint whilst I was there.

                  Home now, and the sun is shining and the drizzle has stopped and the sun is shining , and my next job is to mop the kitchen floor.


                  • Just had an email saying I am unsuccessful at getting the job at the hospital


                    • Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
                      Our school didn't do trips unless you count the half hour trips to the local swimming baths, but I do remember the weekend trips with St Johns ambulance
                      Youngest GG is training with St Johns. Bren. They had a trip to Edinburgh a few weeks ago. She looks very smart in her uniform
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • Originally posted by cariann88 View Post
                        Just had an email saying I am unsuccessful at getting the job at the hospital
                        Oh Cari, I am so sorry to hear that. Don't let it knock your confidence. Have you asked for feedback?
                        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                        • Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
                          Oh Cari, I am so sorry to hear that. Don't let it knock your confidence. Have you asked for feedback?
                          She told me in the email she sent me. It was nothing bad, it's just that I didn't give enough answers in just one question they asked me.


                          • Better luck next time Cari x
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • Unlucky Carrie, I know it doesn't help but take the positives with you and use to your advantage in the future


                              • Thank you, I will I am upset about it, but hopefully when I go to my next hospital interview(on the 19th) I just hope I get it right and get the job


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