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  • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
    I'm a Nutterator, Bill There's nothing moderate about me
    Now theres a surprise lol


    • No surprises here, plotman


      • Surprise here hard frost! Good morning and enjoy your Monday
        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


        • Morning All, Morning Flo

          Above freezing here but a definite chill in the air. No major plans for today so just going to see what happens

          Have a good un


          • Morning all. Well have spent most of the night and early hours up with spotty daughter. Think I might plant some beans in some pots today will hopefully help keep her mind of scratching.
            Bit cold here this morning. Had to de ice the car first thing.
            Have a good day everyone


            • Morning all, kitchen is nearly done now and my first cake for 3 weeks is in my new oven. My fellow volunteers have been waiting for homemade cake.How come I'm the only one that can bake? Lol
              Have a nice day everyone, looks like it's going to be a rainy day
              Nannys make memories


              • Originally posted by cariann88 View Post
                Just had an email saying I am unsuccessful at getting the job at the hospital
                Shame Carrie, but the right job for you will come along, take the interview as good experience and the feedback as positive. X


                • Blue skies, sunny sunny morning, lots to get on with today, having not been here at weekend.


                  • Morning we woke to a pretty looking white frosty garden its mostly gone now but still cold.

                    Enjoy your cake Sally, you having a piece for breakfast
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • Morning all, it was a cold night here too, it got down to 1.6c in the greenhouse. Still it's a beautiful sunny morning again now, though Carol says it won't last. I think I'll tidy up the front this morning, there's quite a few weeds out there...

                      Another cup of tea first though, I think.
                      My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                      Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                      • Evening all! Been busy? I'm just summoning the energy to go up to the attic room and make the last of the dining chair covers - I've run out of enthusiasm.

                        Just look at that - NS made CAAAAAAAAAAAKE and I missed it! How could that be?

                        I'll have to bake tomorrow, I'm nearly out of biscuits - it would be this evening, but I'm low on butter so would have to nip to A1di, and that would mean crossing the road and going up to little Morries to have a look for yellow stickers..... and I'm supposed to be sewing.


                        • Morning! Clear blue sky and no frost today. Have a lovely day
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • Morning all


                            • Morning all, cake was a bit of a failure. Lop sided and a bit dry. I'd put the oven shelf in upside down apparantly, so that accounted for lop sided, and this cooker appears to cook things too fast, which made for a dry cake.
                              Of course, the volunteers wolfed it down regardless.
                              Clearing up the mess that getting a new kitchen makes. You could write your name in the dust!
                              Looks like it might be a nice day, so have a good one
                              Nannys make memories


                              • Morning all. Bit of a frost last night but seems to be lifting now. Doing Tes#co this morning need to get a supply of yoghurt and ice cream for Han with her sore throat.
                                Hopefully this afternoon going to plant some beans. Was going to do it yesterday but ended up in nurse mode instead.
                                Hope everyone has a good day.


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