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  • Rain and hail this morning and very very windy. Still very windy, but bright blue sky and sunshine. We have youngest Golden Girl here. She stayed overnight as my daughter and SIL went to Scarborough. They're in York at the mo and aim to be back to collect her by teatime. I'm not holding my breath She's the crafty one and I've taught her how to tack and hemstitch while she's been here.
    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


    • Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
      St George's Day
      Just a week before my hair cut, enjoy your afternoon with youngest GG Flo isn't it nice to have some one to 'play' with
      Location....East Midlands.


      • Hi All - Only went to the site to put up some posters regarding an Easter Egg hunt being organised for next weekend - ended up spending over an hour reminiscing about hill walking exploits of years gone by plus local and family history from many more years gone by - at least the rain when it finally arrived was merely a drizzle :-)
        Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary

        Nutter by Nature


        • Indoors day, after a glorious day yesterday on the plot. Made some cheaty marmalade, worked out the money (or lack of it!) for this month and ordered some storage cubes so I can sort out the under the stairs cupboard.
          Went to visit Dad yesterday who is now out of hospital. For someone who only (!) went for a heart valve repair, he has had two valves repaired, a pace maker fitted and lung re inflation. Has to go back in a month to have heart stopped and restarted as it is out of sych. Like a friend said it's a bit like when the car goes fora service and they find lots of other jobs to do. Anyway he was more mobile than I thought and pleased to be home. Just hope he doesn't over do it.


          • Glad your Dad's back home, Wendy. Must be a worry
            Seems quite miraculous to me that a heart can have its timing reset.
            Now I can't stop singing that song with "Timing, a ticker, ticker, ticker, timing........"

            Its been wet all day here, nothing done today except play with seeds. Not sowing them, just playing with packets.
            Hope you've all had a good day.


            • Well I got to the plot this afternoon for a couple of hours, so spuds planted! I also managed to barrow a few loads of bark chips for the paths and I forked out a border strip where I am going to plant my Globe artichokes. I have never grown them before, it is a bed next to the fence and is good rich loam. These are my 'experimental' crop - I try and do one thing each year that I have not grown before. Although having said that, I am also going to do butternut squash, but everyone assures me that they are easy! I grew pumpkins last year - shan't bother again, so very, very bland!

              Getting quite excited (and a little nervous) now as I go on holiday a week on Monday; this is my first ever holiday on my own and I am doing a Nile cruise. Mr Q and I planned to do this several years ago and had got as far as booking and paying our deposit. Then all the trouble in Cairo kicked off and we cancelled. I think it might be a bit emotional as well as spectacular.


              • You go for it SusieQ and I hope you keep us all updated how it went. I am so impressed - I have been un-adventurous for ages as I get too anxious to head off on my own.

                ETA globe artichokes are a great permanent crop - you can use them or let them flower and the bees absolutely adore the flowers which is always a good thing
                Last edited by Jeanied; 28-03-2015, 09:17 PM.
                Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                • Originally posted by WendyC View Post
                  Has to go back in a month to have heart stopped and restarted as it is out of sych.
                  Is there no end to the fixing of things by turning them off and turning them on again?! Hope he is soon back to his old self, Wendy.


                  • Originally posted by susieq100 View Post
                    Getting quite excited (and a little nervous) now as I go on holiday a week on Monday; this is my first ever holiday on my own and I am doing a Nile cruise. Mr Q and I planned to do this several years ago and had got as far as booking and paying our deposit. Then all the trouble in Cairo kicked off and we cancelled. I think it might be a bit emotional as well as spectacular.
                    Good for you, Susie. It'll be poignant, but (terrible word alert) empowering, I think. You can tell Mr Q all about it as you go - oh, perhaps not - if I remember correctly from your wedding pic, you don't look old enough to be talking to yourself in public!


                    • Ok - according to my clock I have now lost an hour of my life, and it is 2.11am - way past bedtime. According to the Vine, it is 12.11am - the Vine clock has just gone back an hour...

                      That's one to keep the Admin techies busy on Monday - we've had trouble with the clock on here before, as I recall.

                      Night all!


                      • Ha!'s on French time!...Yey!
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • Morning, dull and damp here this morning, hope it's better where you are! Have a great day all!
                          Just editing the post to say the clock is on perfect time! (The Vine clock that is)
                          Last edited by Jay22; 29-03-2015, 08:27 AM.


                          • Good morning from a wet & windy Nestland, could be a day for sowing some seeds as it's a bit vicious out there & I don't want to spoil my coat................
                            sigpic“Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,”
                            Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                            Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                            KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                            • Morning its wet and windy here as well BM. I was planning on seed sowing today but its a bit rough out there in the GH, and I'm not going to sow seeds in the kitchen ever again I made far to much mess last time.
                              Location....East Midlands.


                              • if I remember correctly from your wedding pic, you don't look old enough to be talking to yourself in public!
                                Thank you Hazel, that made me laugh out loud. I certainly talk to myself at home, occasionally at work (!!) but so far not 'out in the world'.

                                Jeanied - I am very anxious, but I know the longer I put this kind of thing off, the less likely I am to ever do it. Got to bite the bullet and if it is ghastly, well at least I tried.

                                So glad I went to the plot yesterday, this morning it is absolutely 'persisting it down' as another Grape would have it. Still plenty of domestic stuff to do and then I shall go and play in the garage (potting shed). How does it get so untidy in there? I am sure I have gremlins that go in and make a mess when I am not looking. And 'stuff' that multiplies when my back is turned.

                                Have a good day, whatever you are doing. I suspect not many of us will be outside, despite the longer day


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