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  • Late evening all, been out for a nice meal with 3 other volunteers. Good food and great company.
    Nannys make memories


    • Poor Chester - hope he feels better for his dental work, Flo.

      VC and weed talking of haircuts - having mine done tomorrow. I guess that you know that it is time to have a haircut when someone in the pub casts a critical eye over you and says 'are you seeing the hairdresser soon?'

      I've been a busy bee today too - behind the desk all day, then a meeting with accountant late afternoon, then back behind the desk for a couple of hours to put a proposal together for a Client (which I said that they would have by lunchtime - oops!). Then a quick beer at Pub with Live Music on a Tuesday, and back to watch Ray 'you're nicked' Winston in The Sweeney - recorded the other day.

      I notice that Domino cat who pestered me all evening for something nice to eat - i.e. anything other than was in his food bowl - managed to polish the lot off whilst he was home alone and he had no one to look pathetic at.

      He's waiting for supper now, so I'd best be off to my gwelly - nos da, all you night owls.


      • Good morning. The sun is out Have a good day


        • Mornin all!
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • Morning beautiful day today again! Hope you all have the sunshine too!


            • Morning another sunny day here I can get used to this.

              Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
              Had my hair cut this afternoon (doesn't it look nice) The hairdresser said that the heap of hair on the floor looked like an animal - and it did. Like a white, long haired guineapig I had this urge to gather it up and bring it home - for the compost bin!
              Your hair does look nice VC. When I cut Mr Pots hair it always goes in the compost bin even though he doesn't like the idea of all the worms and bugs feeding on his DNA

              Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
              Poor Chester has had to have two teeth out and a scale and polish. Hope it makes it easier for him to eat now. It must have been making him miserable - I wonder if he's had constant toothache? Awww and ouch.
              Give Chester and extra hug from me Flo.

              Originally posted by weed View Post
              This is more like me [ATTACH=CONFIG]55193[/ATTACH]
              I think you look cute
              Location....East Midlands.


              • Morning all, think I'm having a lazy day today - I'm really on a go slow sun is up with a bright blue sky so I think we are in for another lovely day


                • Morning all

                  We all best get outside & do stuff, looks like the weekend weather is gonna be carp
                  He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                  Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


                  • Morning All.
                    Not a good start here - Old Auntie Mary dog had had a nasty attack of the runs in the night and it was all over the kitchen floor. Luckily, the pups hadn't played in it - this time Poor old Mary, she's lying by the stove doing her impression of a motorbike without a silencer. She's deaf, so can't hear it, but the pups think they should investigate where the noise is coming from Never a dull moment with 4 dogs!
                    A day in the garden for us lot - we lurve a sunshiny day
                    Have a good one - whatever you're up to


                    • Morning all! Sunshine here - Domino cat sunning himself on the back step.

                      Poor Auntie Mary doggie - give her a cuddle from me.

                      I have a batch of biscuits in the oven - working from home does have it's advantages! Need to do some tidying up of the Task List now, though....


                      • Good morning. The sun is out and I need to finish off getting ready for work.

                        Have a nice day


                        • God morning all. Out all day yesterday,visiting Turner Gallery in sunny Margate, with group of friends ( except it was freezing),good lunch as well.

                          Last night 'First Puppy Training' class, that was fun, Charlie just love bed the other puppies, has made 'good friends', and didn't disgrace us or himself! What a star! Well almost! He will be in 6 weeks!

                          Grey and gloomy here today, hair appointment for me, seems to be the trend!


                          • Charlie sounds well behaved

                            Grey and a little misty here this morning though I'm doing some work this morning OH kicked me out of the office yesterday for making too much noise so I'm in for the early shift this morning while he's taking the kids to school


                            • Is Auntie Mary any better VC? Did she get any peace yesterday?


                              • Morning all, another lovely morning but I think there is a change on the way. Dogs off to the groomer this afternoon, something they absolutely love...not!!

                                Well done Charlie, it's always a bonus when they don't embarrass you.

                                Hope Auntie Mary is better this morning!


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