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  • Afternoon, well up to yet today we've had bright sunshine, snow, rain, hail along with thunder and lightening. Its made it a very odd day but inbetween I've dug dandelions out of the lawn planted out more lettuce seedlings.
    Location....East Midlands.


    • Evening. Apart from the dandelions Bren, we've had the same day!
      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


      • Evening all. Had a cracking thunder storm this afternoon it bounced down and flooded a few roads around here. Thankfully it drained away fairly quickly. Nipped down to the allotment and it wasn't to bad or to soggy.
        So hopefully will get down tomorrow and get some weeding down.


        • Evening all, don't know what sort of day it's been, I did fall asleep again ......
          On a gardening note, whilst I was in the land of nod, my seedlings were having their last day of hardening off. Tomatoes will go into buckets,sweetcorn into the ground tomorrow. If the weather gets cold we can always move the buckets and cover the corn. My sweetcorn are getting like triffids.
          Nannys make memories


          • Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
            Afternoon, well up to yet today we've had bright sunshine, snow, rain, hail along with thunder and lightening.
            Pretty much the same weather here, minus the snow (you're higher up than me, Bren), so set to and gave the kitchen cupboards a good clean out.

            Found a tin of evaporated milk, use by Feb 2015, and a bag of demerara sugar that must be years old, every time I do the cupboards I just shove it back in again, as I haven't eaten sugar since 2009. (I do keep some for visitors though, and gift cakes).

            So, anyway, did the obvious, and made fudge. Cracking good stuff, I just need someone to eat it now...
            Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
            Endless wonder.


            • Evening the sun came out this afternoon. I am trying to learn how to crochet, driving me mad because i keep going wrong and having to start again.


              • Good morning. The sun is out with bright blue sky's Hope it stays that way all day. I am in work again today.

                Have a good day


                • Morning all. Nice sunny day here so far. Got a busy day down the allotment and picking the kids up from my mom and dad.
                  Have a good day everyone


                  • Morning the suns shinning and last night GH low was a tropical 10.5c can't get much better for the time of year

                    Any fudge left Mothhawk
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • Hello! Lovely weather today and no visitors, so I've had the whole day to myself in the garden. Bliss. Have a good evening and see you all on the morrow
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • Good morning, I've just boiled the kettle. Brew anyone?

                        Looks miserable out there, raining. Got to get ready soon for work. Have a good day


                        • Morning Carrie, Morning All. Light rain here, but it's a warm one. I'm glad of the rain - I cleared some beds yesterday and chicken pooed them, so the moisture is welcome. Have a good day
                          Last edited by Florence Fennel; 05-05-2015, 07:41 PM.
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • Morning all. Have had a lot of rain last night and this morning. So the allotment is out for today I think.
                            Think it is an indoor jobs day today.
                            Cleared out my drainage ditch again at the allotment so hopefully it wont get to boggy down there.
                            Have a good day everyone


                            • After a 'mad/busy' weekend, today is going to be spent getting the house back to normal,and moving back into newly painted bedroom. Piles of washing to be done also. But as its drizzly, a good day to get sorted.


                              • Morning all, very dull and rainy here. Just remembered that I left my two poorly cuc plants out all night, they may well RIP.
                                Sweetcorn was planted out quite deep, so fingers crossed there as well.
                                Potatoes are romping away now.
                                Going to make the volunteers a nice fruit cake this morning
                                Have a great day all
                                Nannys make memories


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