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  • Ta Scarlet - its already dismantled so I was planning on doing a deep clean if we get it. Is creacote OK or would a poultry cleaner be better. We are not planning on getting the chickens until the next time the BHWT are having a release date near us which will be in about 4 months apparently.
    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

    Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


    • Good evening. I've had a little nap this afternoon, feel a bit better. I transplanted my chilli peppers and peppers into bigger pots the other day. The others are fine what I grew from seed but the 2 grafted plants have curled up droopy leaves. I have give it a good watering, could this just be shock because I've moved them into bigger pots?


      • Raining here so catching up with forums before I venture to allotment. BBC says it will get lighter before 6.00 so should get a couple of hours in.
        No matter:the allotment is lovely, the tadpoles have legs, my sea kale has germinated and I am glad to be home.


        • Showing a distinct lack of fortitude, it kept raining, I went to allotment,picked vegetables for a bouillabaisse and came home after watering and admiring seedlings.
          No matter:the allotment is lovely, the tadpoles have legs, my sea kale has germinated and I am glad to be home.


          • I have just survived yet another kids party. Done nothing really today as it has been bouncing down all day


            • OK false excitement this morning about the hen house. The lady that said I could have it said (via email) she wanted it collected today before 4pm. OK with us, then I was told between 7 and 7.30pm otherwise another person was going to have it.
              Mr Lump was unable to go (I can't drive being as blind as a bat) as he is at one of his AA meetings tonight.
              I better start saving....
              I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

              Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


              • Busy day here - I have a new helper on the allotments and we went ahead with a session on the plots this afternoon, even though it was steadily drizzling! 2 hours on the plots - she working the whole time and me half of it - has certainly started the project clear up!

                I was diverted by another plot holder alerting me to a swarm of bees on his raspberry frame - so I had to go home, get onto the internet for a local swarm collector - spend time ringing round and arranging a visit. Then this evening I went back to let the beekeepers in to the plot and watch while the collected the swarm - all finished at around 8pm. Dogs and I got soaked to the skin - just beginning to thaw out!
                Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                • Glad to hear about your plot Jean. I was wondering if you were carrying on with it.
                  Nannys make memories


                  • Thats better

                    What a B___E____A____YOUTIFULL day

                    Have a good one people


                    • Morning All and Happy Friday Not so beautiful here yet Jack, it's a bit on the dull side. Never mind, it's Friday and I can cope with almost anything on a Friday! Have a good day, whatever you're doing.
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • Yippee Friday! not so good here either Jack but it's gonna brighten up
                        Have a lovely day everyone!


                        • That's really rude of them Lumpy! what a PITA!


                          • So when the sun gets to you too, just remember i sent it there


                            • Morning all. Very cold and cloudy here but thankfully it has stopped raining.
                              Have a good day everyone


                              • Good morning, the sun is out here.

                                Going to pop out to the shop in a bit. I am back at work tomorrow.

                                Have a good day


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