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  • Morning all!

    I have the choice of going round the race route in prep for the real thing in a couple of weeks, or go to the Hill to do all the stuff that I couldn't do last night (put up 2 wigwams, plant out 2 x climbing peas, sweet peas and broad beans) what with the shenanigans with the car.

    Can't do both as either will knacker me out enough to prevent me doing the other.


    • Get to the plot Hazel, I keep putting stuff off. Need to walk the dog,go swimming, make some cake, do the washing, cart the kids etc, etc, and I've just gone up to look at a sea of weeds you can get some training in tomorrow


      • My cakes in the oven Scarlet, kitchen cleaned up - still newish lol - reading the Vine with a cup of raspberry and peach tea.
        Hubby has been ridding our lovely strawberry plants of vine weevil grubs, any else's grubs and eggs. They are clear for the moment and look fabulously healthy, fingers crossed.
        Everything has been watered within an inch of its life and I have jam jars in the dishwasher. Got two bags of fruit picked last year in the freezer, time for action
        Have a happy gardening day folks
        Nannys make memories


        • Good afternoon. Grey clouds here. On my break from work, so just catching up with you lot.


          • It's no good all this talk of spud this and spud that I'm going to have a go at some Christmas spuds and it will solve the pressie problem for Mr Lump.

            Attached Files
            Last edited by Lumpy; 17-05-2015, 03:13 PM.
            I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

            Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


            • Hello! Not one Cottage Pie but three. A huge one for my daughter, a medium one for us and a small one for my son. Chicken, mash and parsnips for my eldest Golden Girl, carrots, peas and sprouts to go with my daughter's pie and egg mayonnaise for all three. Phew, what's for tea? Something I can just bung in the oven I hope (our CP is for tomorrow). Middle GG came for the Full English - youngest GG was on duty with St John's at the local May Fest. I did manage to pot on a few tomatoes and sow some basil and I've bitten the bullet and disposed of the stack of tomato seedlings that were threatening to overtake my windowsills. Hope you've all had a good day and see you tomorrow
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • Morning all, I've a busy day planned today! Although I'm hoping to get some of my tomatoes planted out in the GH borders if ihave time. Rain forecast for the next few days.


                • wakey waaaaaaakey morning all

                  grey and wet so back to bed (dam to late dogs beaten me to it) so out to the green house for a bit of pottering before taking the other half for her hospital appointment this afternoon women's problems you know the type the ones where hubby wants to stay in the waiting area but gets dragged in for moral support then feels more embarrassed than the person being fiddled with then the doctor says ahh lowered under carriage and you realise shouting coming in for a landing was not the right response and instantly regret it as the slap across the face was quicker than you could duck

                  oh the joys of reaching the top of the hill only to find all these problems going down the other side


                  • Morning all!

                    It's grey and overcast here this morning. No gardening for me though - I've got to go to the hospital for a PET scan. Never had one of those before but it should find out whether they got all the cancery bits out when they operated. I don't suppose they'll tell me anything today, though.

                    Maybe later on I'll get the greenhouse cucumbers planted out into their final pots; they definitely need moving up so seems like a good time.

                    Have a good day, all. And weed, by the time you reach the top of the hill you should have learnt when to bite your tongue and hold fire on the stupid jokes. Mind you, I struggle just the same...
                    My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                    Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                    • Morning its wet and windy here so no outdoor stuff today never mind theres always something else to do.

                      All the best for today Martin
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Morning all, dull and wet here this morning. Just back from a lovely weekend with daughter and son in law in Cheltenham where the weather was beautiful! When is this wet weather going to go away? Hope everyone had a good weekend too.

                        All the very best for today Martin!


                        • We've had fab weather for the past week's pouring down now, at least my water butts will get filled


                          • good luck martin
                            and of course its raining its Chelsea opening day at least they don't have the wind this year (so far )
                            Last edited by weed; 18-05-2015, 08:00 AM.


                            • I would love to go to Chelsea and be shown on TV as the twonk who is trying to get on the bus with a 40ft tree but I have yet to win the lottery to pay for the tickets!
                              I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

                              Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


                              • Morning all. Hope everything goes ok for you today Martin with your scan.
                                Raining here at the moment. So going to pot some more seedlings on.
                                Have a good day everyone, especially you Martin


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