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  • I am in the garden honest! I've got one tomato in just need to put Stan in his bed. Chasing chickens again!! The worse thing is he's frightened to death if I put him in with them he would faint
    Epilepsy Jay? You just want to take it all away from them having to be woken up on a Saturday morning is so unfair. At least they find it easy to go back to sleep.


    • Yes not pleasant for him...or us to be honest but we have it under control with medication. It was 10.30am when I hauled him out of bed so not too early! When the weather is bad they hibernate!
      With Stan in bed you may get some peace to plant more Toms!


      • Good afternoon. Just got back from food shopping with the OH. The sun keeps popping out here. Going to have a relaxing day and maybe a glass(or bottle ) of wine later tonight


        • Afternoon, just got back from collecting 4 giant bags of bark, 2 raspberries and a red hot poker. Now decided to rip up more grass to have a sort of designated fruit area.
          My problem is the cracks in the bungalow. I have a plan for a better laid out veggie area for next year but until the council do their 4th visit (every 3 months) they won't fixed what the surveyor said it was in March - the corner of the bungalow has dropped over an inch since Jan.
          As a consequence the veggie re furb is a bit shaky as they are probably (so Steve the surveyor said) going to have to underpin both the side and back of our hobbit house.
          I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

          Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


          • What a pain Lumpy. I'm having a 5 min rest! It's actually very warm here and it's super hot in the green house. I wish I was taller. Trying to tie bits of string up on the ceiling is a PITA!


            • Yoooooo Hooooooo VC

              I just spotted something I have never seen before - Buttonhole Kale Starmaker

              No No No I must not buy some - I'm addicted to trying out new varieties and its getting daft now.
              I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

              Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


              • Just out if interest, how many tomatoes does a family of 4 really need? 10, 20, 30,40, or more? Why do we put ourselves through this?! I'm getting sunburnt in that glass house


                • Afternoon Its been warm and very windy here today

                  Scarlet I grow 9 toms in different varieties some eating some for cooking if I'd got a bigger GH I'd grow more of them.
                  Location....East Midlands.


                  • Hi, went down to allotment at dinner time as it has been fairly cool here today. Did some strimming and planted my beans directly into the ground.
                    Kids helped water the plants but think they got wetter than the plants at one point. Did notice that the strawberries are starting to set well.
                    Have a good afternoon everyone


                    • Afternoon All. Warm but really windy here. Youngest Golden Girl here as her daddy has taken her mummy for a mystery surprise - how romantic is that? I'm going to attempt rhubarb jam tomorrow which is a first for me. I pulled up 4lbs of it so thought I'd give it a try.
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • Oh,I made rhubarb and vanilla and also rhubarb and ginger jam last year, both were lovely. Still not finished but I'm come in for another break and another cup of coffee. I must stick to one job!


                        • There is nothing wrong with multi-tasking Scarlet
                          I do it all the time. Never seem to finish one thing


                          • I've just ordered a kilo of strawberries to put in it Scarlet the family don't like ginger or vanilla and if I'm honest I don't think they're too keen on rhubarb so I'm disguising it! In fact if I remember correctly that's why I kept trying to dig it out but it keeps on coming
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • Planted my tomatoes in their final pots today, some in the greenhouse and some on the patio. I have to say mine look a whole lot healthier than the half starved ones Monty was planting out yesterday on Gardeners' World.


                              • Hi again all
                                Been absent for the lastcouple of weeks give or take a comment, damn this weather needs a kick !!


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