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  • Originally posted by Jay22 View Post
    Morning all sun is in and out and a bit windy but no rain...yay!! Hope all is well, enjoy your day out Carrie. How is Percy cat these days Wendy...all recovered?
    Yes all mended thank you. Insurance premium went up this year. Not surprising as we've had more out than paid in so far.


    • Thanks Jay. Not even gone yet. Waiting for the OH to get ready. Going to pick some new plants up for the windowsill While he goes and look at fish they have in there.

      Right best go, think he is ready. See you all later.


      • Sold £12 worth of plants at car boot this morning. My first ever effort. Quite pleased. They would only have gone in the compost bin, so .... result! Summoning the energy and the will to whip round with the hoover. FiL coming for his supper this evening; ought to flick my feather duster around a bit.


        • Hello, just got back from the garden centre. They are selling potato seed, rhubarb, garlic and onion sets for 50p.

          I've just picked myself up another bell pepper and some soil. So going to repot the pepper plant in a bit after my brew.


          • Well done Susie :}
            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


            • Evening all. Well the kids did their granddads cake. Was very impressed with what they made out of icing and how they painted a fish for on the cake.
              Little boys cough has got worse. He is out for the count in bed snoring his head off. Will see how he is tomorrow to see if he needs the doctors or is well enough to go to school.
              Have a good evening everyone


              • Well, I'm knackered. Talk about a busman's holiday - I've spent most of the weekend on my knees pulling weeds. Like I don't do enough of that all chuffin' week! lol Chook run relocated, and water troughs scrubbed, too. Dogs have had a bone each, to keep them occupied, and Hubby has put new rear dampers on my car, then he mowed the front lawn, while I went to the stables and dragged big-nose and others, in off the grass and put them to bed.

                Is it really Monday tomorrow? Really?

                Must be Gin o'clock now...
                All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                • Busy day G4! Double G&T I should think.


                  • I don't do TV much but the OH has just dragged me in to watch "billy elliot" love this film!


                    • Evening peeps!

                      I have been very busy this weekend. I started making a quilt for mum - er - three years ago, and at the time saw that it was slow going. 'Oh don't worry, you're busy, I'll have it when you can get round to it!' she said at the time, 'although perhaps I can have for when I'm 80!' Ho ho ho - how we laughed!

                      So this weekend I have been tied to the sewing machine - I've finished quilting, attached the binding and hand embroidered and stitched on the label. It is all finished and is just taking a turn in the washing machine as we speak, to be hung out overnight, then it can have a couple of hours airing in the morning if necessary, before I go over to mum's at lunchtime - just in time for the birthday celebrations.

                      Not cutting it fine at all, am I?
                      Last edited by Hazel at the Hill; 07-06-2015, 09:06 PM.


                      • Good Morning All. Sunny and warm here this morning. My son starts decorating today at my house, he's taken the week off work specially, so we expect the weather is going to be glorious! Well done Hazel and Happy Birthday to your mum. Have a good day
                        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                        • Morning its another sunny day here, I can get used to this.

                          Congrats on finishing the quilt Hazel do we get to see a sneaky photo before you wrap it up.
                          Last edited by Bren In Pots; 08-06-2015, 07:06 AM. Reason: typo
                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • Morning all,beautiful day. Must get up and do something more productive, had a lovely day yesterday. Attended a little girls first communion, then spent rest of the day siting in the sun, chatting, eating and drinking, just perfect!

                            As a result lots to do today, enjoy the sun folks.


                            • Morning all. Cant believe its morning already. Been up most of the night with Will coughing so badly he made himself sick and then continued being sick. Then Han woke up with a sore throat and coughing as well. So had them both up and about at one point. Finally got them both settled about 3am ish just as the sun was rising.
                              So I have Will at home with me today. Had planned to go to allotment but will do home jobs instead. Will is very good at potting stuff on with me so if he feels better will aim to get that done today.
                              Well done Hazel on getting your quilt finished
                              Have a good day everyone


                              • Morning all, beautiful sunny morning,how often do you hear me say that? Hopefully that's the weather on the turn, especially the temps and I can get my toms etc out.

                                Hope the winkles get well soon NVG, Happy. Birthday to Hazels mum and hope everyone has a lovely day.


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