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  • Weather forecast for tomorrow is not great. I am going to GW Live in Birmingham at the NEC. Well, so long as it does not ACTUALLY chuck it down, I suppose it will be OK. Am supposed to be going out with DiL and grand-daughter this afternoon, and the the rain (allegedly) will pretty much have stopped by then. Hope so. No 1. son is at Download - great, standing in a field in the rain, listening to rock music. When something like that sounds ghastly, you know you are middle-aged. Have a good day everyone, whatever you are up to.


    • Can you take a folding chair?
      I imagine you'll have more fun than you're expecting to !
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • I keep a folding chair in the car for emergencies although i often end up letting someone else use it.
        Morning all! We've not had a great amount of rain, it's just damp and drizzly with a really drab grey sky. I hope it gets better for tomorrow. I would like some sunny weather for my hols in Cornwall. We are supposed to be going to friends this evening for a BBQ, not sure we'll manage it if the weather stays like this.


        • Morning everyone!

          Looks cool and damp out there today. Maybe I'll find some indoor jobs. But first I'm going to look through my June seed box and see if there's anything I can sow.

          My son is at Download too, Susie. He bought a folding chair specially ... then left it at home.

          Mud, rain, plus presumably a hangover. What's not to like! And that's just GWLive!!

          Have a good day everybody.
          My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
          Chrysanthemum notes page here.


          • Morning all...dull and quite chilly here this morning, a big change from the last few days! Off to look for tiles for my kitchen today so wish me luck! Have a great day all, whatever your plans.


            • Good luck! I love choosing stuff for the house. Shame the OH hates diy! and as we work from home he hates the disturbance that he gets if people are here doing it instead of him. Needless to say my kitchen is in the same state of disrepair now as it was 15y ago!


              • Heavy rain forecast until 8pm - then ...... light rain overnight. I would class what is coming down now as 'light rain' - certainly enough to get you wet.

                We have a talk at lunchtime in the clubhouse on showing veg, by the Show judge - I had planned to go along early and get the sweetcorn, courgettes and squash planted out - but I don't fancy sitting around after in wet clothes, so it's housework instead.


                • Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarternooooooooooon Peeps! How are we all?

                  Yesteday's heavy rain and storms turned out to be dry, baking hot and very humid. Today we have cooler and overcast, but drizzly. My laundry is getting an extra rinse!

                  Had the motor in for MoT yesterday, so whilst killing time in the courtesy car, I just happened to spend an hour (and a fair few quid) in a plant nursery...

                  It really isn't good to leave me with timeon my hands lol

                  To avoid the drizzle (the planting out can wait) I've started tidying the office. Haven't got far...

                  All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                  Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                  • I'll have coffee please G4

                    Good afternoon,

                    I've been sorting out a pile of washing all morning(still going now) don't know where all the clothes have come from with it just being 2 of us living together.

                    I am now off work for a whole week Grey clouds here today but no rain. The sun is trying to pop out tho.


                    • In the end, we did get a short shower yesterday evening, but could use a whole lot more. Today it's grey and drizzly and the snails are out on my garden path. I might go down the allotment in a bit to see whether the slugs are out there too.

                      Hope you all have a good day and that the weather improves for Carrie's week off!
                      My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                      Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                      • Afternoon everyone. Very wet and soggy here. Just on the Vine for a bit while the kids are playing upstairs for a bit. They are meant to be tidying up as well but by the sounds of it I will end up sorting it all out.
                        Have a good afternoon everyone


                        • See rant thread for reason. I'm in the pub cooling off with a nice cold glass of Chardonnay. It's too wet to wheelbarrow stuff out of the house and down to the shed.
                          "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
                          "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


                          • I've come in to come in to cool down too!
                            Pint of water for me!
                            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                            Location....Normandy France


                            • Afternoon, its rained here all day and just stopped as I arrived home from work
                              Location....East Midlands.


                              • Soggy here too. but at least we missed the thunder - Star dog is very grateful - she hates thunder


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