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  • Morning all! I'm just back from the Walsall Parkrun - no 5k personal best for either me or big bro, but a good session nonetheless. Got a bit damp in the drizzle.

    Now there is housework to be done, and some mince to prep for tea - NS is ahead of me there.


    • Is it me or has it gone cold? I can't get warm.


      • Is colder here today. Jeans and jumper rather than yesterday's shorts and T shirt.


        • I've had to turn the heating up because I am that cold. When is this summer arriving?


          • I'm really warm - but then again, I've had a very very hot bath, then changed the bed. Have the back door open to cool down a bit.

            Washing is in, and the light rain seems to have gone and it's brightening up, so I hope i can get that out on the line later.


            • Afternoon all! It's not just you Carrie, we have had our heating on the past couple of nights for a couple of hours! It's grey here too but no rain! Looks like summer is not coming and it also looks as though I will only have garlic, onions, chillies and perhaps a few runner beans this year...nothing else is happening!!


              • Afternoon all. Really heavy showers here at the moment. Very warm and muggy here as well
                Picked 700g of strawberries at the allotment. Then took then across to my mom and dads to make a strawberry Eton Mess. It was very nice.
                Have a good afternoon everyone


                • It's really warm here Carrie - muggy in fact. Overcast and humid. It has been raining on and off all morning. Son brought grand-daughter over for a visit this morning. I have been in a frenzy of house-cleaning and will start preparing for supper in a bit - guests for dinner this evening. Tomorrow is going to be gardening day, since the house will be spotless and I have done the shopping and most of the laundry! Theoretically.


                  • Afternoon its been spotting of raining here of and on all day and looking at the sky we've got a downpour on the way. Be nice to top up my butts
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeevenin' Peeps! How are we all? Well, yesterday I was moaning that the ground was parched, the grass had stopped growing, and I was fed-up watering my plants. This afternoon it chucked it down. My little patch of heaven is smiling, and all the birds are singing.

                      I'm having to sit on a towel, though, as the chairs are all wet.

                      All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                      Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                      • Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post
                        No ta, G4 - just about to get a glass of red.

                        The washing got caught in a shower on the line earlier, but it's a lovely sunny evening now.


                        • Stonking day here!

                          Thanks for the offer G4 but this evening I'm on.....

                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • No Vino Collapso for me tonight until later and even then with plenty of soda - I have two of the Golden Girls here and that doesn't happen often these days
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • Enjoy your evening with them Flo!

                              I feel I have been around long enough to see/hear them grow up!

                              Lovely gals
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • Eldest is driving an Insignia around like it's a dinky car and is off to Greece next week with a bunch of girlies. Do I feel old? Nah - especially now they call me "Technonanny"
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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