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  • All the best Martin. See you later.
    Lots of rain here yesterday morning so only the GHs to water. The sun hasn't arrived yet - just clouds, but its warm. I'll settle for that - don't need any more freckles
    Just finishing a bowl of strawberries with a nominal sprinkling of granola and yoghurt. My favourite breakfast
    Hope you all have a good day doing whatever you like best!


    • Morning all! And Domino cat waves a lazy tail from his position stretched out on the bench.

      He is particularly enjoying the experience this morning as his horrible mummy has had him confined to quarters over the weekend, with some paranoid nonsense that there was something up with his digestive system.

      I won't go into details, but after a weekend of tempting pussy cat food and a few drops of liquid paraffin, all is most definitely well now.


      • Hope all goes well today, Martin - take the crossword with you for whilst you are waiting around.

        Mind you, last time I took the Telegraph cryptic in with me when I gave blood, the score was 'busy donations nurse glancing across whilst bustling in his job' 1, 'Hazel lying on the couch with nothing more to do for 10 minutes' 0.


        • Afternoon, just on my break from work. Just cleaned the flat. Just enough time now to sit down and catch up with you guys before I have to go back out again at 3pm for the tea time round.

          Hope it all goes well for you Martin.


          • Just back from little Morris's where I got chatting to a man who offered me flowers
            He told me he was single, had his own flat and transport, then he pulled out a roll of bank notes and waved them at me Could this be my lucky day?
            He was a really happy man too, I noticed him because he was singing as he pondered the contents of the reduced counter.
            Bet you're all wondering what happened next? Did I accept his invitation to visit him?
            To be honest, there was too much of an age gap between us so I declined. At 94 he was more my Mother's age The flowers are on his allotment along with rows of beans. He said he was getting a bit too old for his plot and all he grew he gave away - so call in and have some flowers!
            Last seen he was leaving the car park on his own transport - a bike! As for the money - he'd just collected his pension!
            Hope I'm that fit and happy when I'm his age...............Bet he wouldn't drop a takeaway curry, that emptied itself all over the floor at the end of the checkout!.
            You guessed - that was me


            • Martin- without being flippant - I thought you deserved a special badge after all you've been through ...

              Hope it went OK today x
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeevenin' Peeps! Phew what a scorcher, as someone once wrote lol. Well, we worked, walked dogs, did stable duties and came home. The back garden was still in full sun, so I got in the bubbly tub! (Lazy moo, I hear you say!)

                What's Martin been up to while I was busy? Did I know about this, and am I going senile? Or, did I miss it? Anyway, fingers crossed it all goes well Martin, and ((((BIIIIIIIG HUGS)))) from me.

                Coffee anyone?
                Last edited by Glutton4...; 29-06-2015, 05:36 PM.
                All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                • Evening all

                  Thanks for the wishes! I survived the 5 hour hospital outpatient visit to get my first chemo drip session completed. I now have a sore arm from the knuckles to above the elbow where the vein got first dibs on the poison. Oh well, it'll probably pass soon enough. Only 7 more of these sessions to go at three week intervals.

                  Still, I got the watering done afterwards, tied in the sweet pea cordons and picked my first ridge cucumber "Marketmore 76" and a nice bag of early raspberries "Glen Moy" from the plants that I moved from garden to allotment in the winter and accidentally forgot to cut down to the ground.

                  It's cooled down a bit here now, only about 26c outside. Apparently it's going to get REALLY warm later in the week so we'll have to be on the ball with watering.

                  VC, you should have accepted the date. He's probably been admiring you from afar for years and only just plucked up courage!
                  My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                  Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                  • Evening peeps! Just got in from 5 mile club run which was SLOOOOOOOOOW going, I can tell you!

                    Wine, anyone?


                    • What's that? I should shower first? Why do you say that?

                      *sniff, sniff.



                      • Originally posted by Martin H View Post
                        VC, you should have accepted the date. He's probably been admiring you from afar for years and only just plucked up courage!
                        He was too fast (on his bike) for me, Martin.
                        Anyway, he has a problem with his thermostat. Doesn't matter how long its turned on for, it never gets hot. Too old to get a new one, he said sadly.
                        It was obvious that he didn't want me for my body or my intellect and sparkling wit but for advice on how to cook a pizza without an oven. A couple of minutes in the Popty Ping was the best I could manage in the middle of a busy supermarket.

                        Martin, those chemo sessions take ages, don't they, but at least you'll know what to expect next time!

                        Everyone else OK?
                        I've been picking raspberries and strawbs today. Lots more to come, despite the blackbirds. Its a Yummy time of year


                        • Evening!

                          Had a great day thanks VC.
                          Picked about 3kg of strawberries ( sadly probably the last for this year) , 800g raspberries and 150 g of black currants ( best crop ever!)

                          So mixed half the strawberries with the rest and made 8 pots of summer berry fruit.
                          Smells and tastes utterly yummy.

                          Rest of day was spent doing paperwork , but feels really good to have got it done : D
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • Lawns mowed this evening, trip to the plot to water the glass shed and pick peas and radish for my salad. Peas never get as far as a cooking receptacle - I like them too much raw! Then back home to water the little greenhouse in the garden and all the pots. Phew! Tomorrow is going to be another warm one. Let's enjoy it while we can


                            • I'm getting a bit miffed off with you lot going on about your raspberries. I've serious problems with pigeons. Theyve taken tons of gooseberries, stripped all my redcurrants, all the ripe blackcurrants and they've now started on my raspberries.
                              They will soon be made into pie if they don't stop.


                              • The blackbirds pinch the fruit here - lots of the raspberries turned out to be only half a berry I have a net curtain over the best redcurrant bush and the blackcurrants are still tiny. Its a neverending battle to pick the fruit before the birds.


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