Went for my first jog in six months today. Ran for roughly 5K and it took me 42 minutes. More of a waddle than a run I'm afraid but was pleased I managed to do it (up some hills as well) without stopping.Seem to remeber was doing the same in 37 minutes last year.
Must admit that getting to the top of the first hill where it plateued out and thinkings "Sod it, I'm turning back before the next hill" didn't happen. I was pleased I stuck with it to the end!
At 16 stone and 2 stone overweight some form of dieting would appear to be a necessity.
My ultimate aim is to do 5K each midweek and 10K each weekend slowly building on my strength and quickening my times as the year goes on. 5K's will be on tarmac but 10K's will be 'off road'
I might do a couple of 10K races later on in the year as any longer entails devoting too much time to training.
I may use this thread to keep you posted on how I get on and as a motivational tool for me, but I welcome others comments and feedback of how they are doing.

Must admit that getting to the top of the first hill where it plateued out and thinkings "Sod it, I'm turning back before the next hill" didn't happen. I was pleased I stuck with it to the end!
At 16 stone and 2 stone overweight some form of dieting would appear to be a necessity.

My ultimate aim is to do 5K each midweek and 10K each weekend slowly building on my strength and quickening my times as the year goes on. 5K's will be on tarmac but 10K's will be 'off road'
I might do a couple of 10K races later on in the year as any longer entails devoting too much time to training.

I may use this thread to keep you posted on how I get on and as a motivational tool for me, but I welcome others comments and feedback of how they are doing.
