Okay, so I have a cat - Tigga - female, 4 years old'ish (not had her from birth so don't know exactly her age), spayed. Not the most affectionate cat - she doesn't like being picked up or cuddled, possibly due to experiences with her previous owner - but she does like her ears scratched and a bit of petting here and there. You get jumped on or a head bump when she wants your attention (usually for food
) She's very relaxed provided she's given her own space and left to roam the house as she pleases.
Regarding house training, no issues - she goes out when she needs to (our garden, I should add). She has a funny 5 minutes now and again where she likes to attack a sofa, or a bed sheet or curtain, but she's never taken to scratching holes in furniture or flooring (thankfully).
All good up until a few weeks ago.
As she has access to the kitchen, one evening she leapt up onto a counter, had a sniff around, chose a spot (in a corner as it happens), and then peed over everything
Gross. I discovered it not long after the event and scalded her. A few days later, she did it again, this time over the floor in the living room. She was given another telling off. I decided to read up on the issue, and the advice I found was to not punish the cat when they pee / spray(?) as it'll only make them do it more. So when it happened a third time (on Sunday just gone - back in the kitchen and on the same counter), I didn't react other than to coax her down, and then encourage her into the small conservatory off the back of the kitchen, where the behaviour would not be such an issue and she can sleep there while I figure this out.
I'm away from home for several days at a stretch most weeks, and my OH is usually there in the mornings to feed Tigga. But OH's work arrangements have changed in the last few months, so that our presence in the house no longer has the same routine. I suspect this upset may be causing the cat to act out - stress, anxiety, I don't know. Appetite and physical health is still good. The only other trigger I can think of is a neighbouring cat getting in at some point and scent marking (they've been in once or twice before), and Tigga needing to assert dominance over territory.
Anyway. I need to discourage the behaviour and nip this in the bud. Obviously there's the hygiene aspect to consider. Also the potential damage to furnishings. And the odour is horrible.
And of course I don't want a possibly stressed, unhappy pet. She needs to feel comfortable and assured in her surroundings.
Any advice??

Regarding house training, no issues - she goes out when she needs to (our garden, I should add). She has a funny 5 minutes now and again where she likes to attack a sofa, or a bed sheet or curtain, but she's never taken to scratching holes in furniture or flooring (thankfully).
All good up until a few weeks ago.
As she has access to the kitchen, one evening she leapt up onto a counter, had a sniff around, chose a spot (in a corner as it happens), and then peed over everything

Gross. I discovered it not long after the event and scalded her. A few days later, she did it again, this time over the floor in the living room. She was given another telling off. I decided to read up on the issue, and the advice I found was to not punish the cat when they pee / spray(?) as it'll only make them do it more. So when it happened a third time (on Sunday just gone - back in the kitchen and on the same counter), I didn't react other than to coax her down, and then encourage her into the small conservatory off the back of the kitchen, where the behaviour would not be such an issue and she can sleep there while I figure this out.
I'm away from home for several days at a stretch most weeks, and my OH is usually there in the mornings to feed Tigga. But OH's work arrangements have changed in the last few months, so that our presence in the house no longer has the same routine. I suspect this upset may be causing the cat to act out - stress, anxiety, I don't know. Appetite and physical health is still good. The only other trigger I can think of is a neighbouring cat getting in at some point and scent marking (they've been in once or twice before), and Tigga needing to assert dominance over territory.
Anyway. I need to discourage the behaviour and nip this in the bud. Obviously there's the hygiene aspect to consider. Also the potential damage to furnishings. And the odour is horrible.
And of course I don't want a possibly stressed, unhappy pet. She needs to feel comfortable and assured in her surroundings.
Any advice??