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One of those grrr moments followed by lots of swearing


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  • One of those grrr moments followed by lots of swearing

    I've been waiting a few days now for perfect weather to erect the shed on my plot.

    It's very exposed and while the wind hasn't been much over 12 mph or so, it's a bit much when trying to sling it up on my Jack.

    Tonight's forecast was perfect, 4mph, bit hot and humid but sweating is good for you.

    Grabbed my toolbox, cordless drill & even grabbed the spare battery even though I'd hardly used the one on the drill much recently since it's last charge; in fact only to undo the shed when we took it down. also grabbed the anchoring bolts and Masonry drill bits to bolt the shed onto the freshly laid and concreted together paving and headed off down the lottie with a load of Sweet Corn to be planted also.

    Bunged the Sweet Corn in no worries, sweating buckets by the time I had mind you as the humidity was really kicking up, due a storm I think, or I hope anyway. Rutland has a large body of water that creates it's own microclimate so the weather here can be odd to say the least.

    Then for the fun part, got my drill out, grabbed the Masonry bits then started looking for the wood bits, bugger, not in my little tool box... There is the Grrr moment.

    Hey-ho, the Masonry bit will go through the wood. Not as effectively as the Wood bit would do mind you but in for a Penny.

    Sprayed the bit with some GT85 and set about drilling guide holes through the wood and marking the paving slabs, then drilled through with the 10mm bit to get the hole large enough to accept the bolts and raw plugs.

    Shifted the base a little to get to the marked drill sites, Hammer action on, first hole into the slabs with hardly any effort, move onto the second hole and the first battery does dead on me, ah well, no issue, I got the spare right?

    Yeah, probably guessed it, dead as a Dodo.

    Glad all the plots were empty as some of the swear words were choice and would of been enough to make a Marine blush.

    Will charge both batteries up tonight, go finish the drilling and screw the base on tomorrow then wait till Tuesday to get the bloody shed erected.

    /cracks open a can of lager and counts to Ten
    Life should be more like Bonsai...

  • #2
    Glad I didn't opt to come home, charge up a battery and go back as a Thunderstorm is just breaking outside.
    Life should be more like Bonsai...


    • #3
      10 is good
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #4
        Sounds like my drill. I only have to think about a job that needs doing and the battery goes flat!
        All my projects including my brewing adventures!


        • #5
          To be honest it's not a bad drill, it's a JCB and does most of what I ask of it without issue. I'm putting it down to user error and not double checking it was charged.
          Life should be more like Bonsai...


          • #6
            Been there, done that - fairly often tbh! My batteries no longer hold charge for very long and take for ever to recharge. Pita.
   - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


            • #7
              This made me chuckle.

              BBC forecast for my area stated at 7pm...

              "Any remaining evening showers will soon die out to leave a mainly dry night with some clear spells. Winds will be generally light from a westerly direction."

              Apart from the rather large and very loud localised thunderstorm that will wake the dead, scare all dogs and get people looking out of their windows when the thunder shakes the windows.
              Life should be more like Bonsai...


              • #8
                A couple of months back I was persuaded to change all our battery drills for new Makita's with li-ion batteries, that cost a few bob but has been well worth it. One 4amp hour battery will just about install a central heating system.

                One of the best DIY drills around now is the Erbauer 18 volt Li-ion Combi. Very reasonably priced for a quality drill.
                Potty by name Potty by nature.

                By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                Aesop 620BC-560BC



                • #9
                  Yeah, when I have the cash I wanna upgrade to the more heavy duty Trade level Makita stuff.

                  Much as I love my JCB 20v cordless and my Bosch corded drill, with the things I have planned ahead I will be needing to leave them at home and use tools with the power, performance & reliability of Makita.

                  If all goes well I'll be doing a big shopping spree in the next few months and kitting myself out properly with a full suite of power tools and gardening hardware, & I can't wait. =D
                  Life should be more like Bonsai...


                  • #10
                    If the tools are to be used in the DIY sector have a look at the Erbauer range from Screwfix we used them professionally for a number of years.

                    The reason we went Makita this time was that one battery will fit dozens of different tools. So once you have bought say a drill with battery you can then buy a bare jigsaw, or hedge trimmer and with a 22 minute charge time you just don't need a lot of batteries and with a Makita 4amp hour 18 volt battery costing about �75 plus vat that's a big saving
                    Potty by name Potty by nature.

                    By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                    We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                    Aesop 620BC-560BC



                    • #11
                      I have several makita tools and love them to bits, but how sad is it that we cant make similar things in Britain.
                      photo album of my garden in my profile


                      • #12
                        It's the One Battery system that appeals with multiple tools using it.

                        I know a few tradies and they all use Makita, none of them have had a bad thing to say about them & we've waffled on about tools and boys toys for hours so that's me sold.

                        Thanks though.

                        I do like all my toys to match, it's one area I am OCD. So if I am getting kitted out properly it's all gotta be done in one brand unless there is something special they don't do and I have to get it from elsewhere.
                        Life should be more like Bonsai...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Bill HH View Post
                          I have several makita tools and love them to bits, but how sad is it that we cant make similar things in Britain.
                          I hear ya, and you are bang on the nail.

                          We were once a beacon of high quality and mass produced perfection, sadly no more.
                          Life should be more like Bonsai...


                          • #14
                            You two ought to google Makita Telford UK.

                            It is the largest if not only UK plant making power tools.
                            Potty by name Potty by nature.

                            By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                            We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                            Aesop 620BC-560BC



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