Had to dust of my old friend today, first time this year.
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Bring on the heat and the sun!
You're just a late developer, VC. Best place to sit is at a table in the shade with a hat you can pull down to shield your eyes against the glare and an inexhaustable supply of cool beer.
Preferably also some nice "scenery" to peek at surreptitiously from under the brim of your hat, so a poolside or seaside location is ideal.
I too have a huge parasol which I move around the garden with me, plus have various hats (fleece to floppy sun via baseball) living by the back door when not on my head - I feel naked without one!
We have very outdoorsey friends down here who never wear hats or use sunblock, very worrying on their fair English skin.
Peaked at 42, much more comfortable 38 nowLe Sarramea https://jgsgardening.blogspot.com/
Dogs and I are just lazing around - far too hot for the park - fortunately this morning Rosie was kept occupied by a very nice young man teaching her new tricks with a ball - so she has had some stimulus today. Bored springers can get very destructive
ETA - the car internal thermometer is reading 37Last edited by Jeanied; 30-06-2015, 04:58 PM.Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?
Coated my head and neck with Factor 15.
Made sure I had 3 bandana's in my bag to cover my head and keep the sweat out of my eyes.
5 hours pottering around under total Blue skies and 29 Degrees. The Red Kites soaring and gliding above, crickets chirping, birds tweeting. They say follow your bliss, certainly did that today!
Took some watering today, ground sucked up the water like it was going out of fashion, even filling up 3 watering cans a trip, it still took some time, heh...
Painted/treated 5 pallets, then the staging I built for the front of my shed and all the decent timber I've managed to scrounge up over the last 2 months. Then did some faffing around sorting the inside of the shed out.
Got home, showered and coated myself in After Sun, I now have that warm afterglow of someone who is just on the right side of crispy well done!
Then cooked myself some very tasty Stella soaked, herb coated chicken fajitas. =]Life should be more like Bonsai...
Not often I retreat from the sun or a lovely Summer day, but after soaking up the sun like a lizard yesterday, only managed to water the lottie today, put in a few screws inside the shed to hang tools on before I had to come back home to a freezing cold can of Lager.
Currently 33 degrees in my front room, though with the windows open there is a nice breeze wafting through the apartment.Life should be more like Bonsai...
Too hot for me. One garden parasol isn't enough, and plans to put up a sail for shade have now been superceeded by plans for a Pergola.Well, ya can't grow stuff up a sail pole with the same effect.
Instead of doing the jobs that needed doing in our customer's garden today, we followed the shade round and faffed! Customer told us we were nuts! She may have a point, but they're our fave customers, and it's our fave garden, so we don't like to let them down.
Even starting early doesn't guarantee keeping coolin temperatures like these, so I am suffering. I try to avoid hats because they aggravate my scalp and make my eczema worse, which is a pain.
My other gripe is that my IBC is empty, so my garden and chickens will have to be subjected to tap water!Last edited by Glutton4...; 01-07-2015, 08:24 PM.All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.
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