Morning all - up and about early this morning. Very productive day yesterday - batch #1 of piccalilli made, batch #2 sitting in the salt waiting to be dealt with. Batch of cucumber relish prepared. Big bed at the plot weeded. A huge swathe of nettles on the unlet plot cut back with the petrol strimmer (that is so satisfying but I will finish it this afternoon - I needed a long sleeved top on really). I didn't plant the raspberries as I forgot them - remembered as soon as I arrived at the site. Arrghhh! Today, she said firmly. Then I finished painting the garden fence at home.
My foot and ankle are much better, so I will be able to go to aerobics this evening. Oh goody. I think. It's one of those things that I don't particularly look forward to but always feel better afterwards.
Enjoy your day everyone. The sun is shining here. Going to be a warm one I think
My foot and ankle are much better, so I will be able to go to aerobics this evening. Oh goody. I think. It's one of those things that I don't particularly look forward to but always feel better afterwards.
Enjoy your day everyone. The sun is shining here. Going to be a warm one I think
