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  • Originally posted by bramble View Post
    When are you going Trip?
    I have always been fascinated with India and quite envy you.
    i have two friends from Kochin, Kerela which is a beautiful part of India, on the Arabian Sea.
    i hope you have a great time even though its work related.
    oh, by the way, did you have your shots yet.
    Enjoy your day by the fire, its actually dry here.
    Going at the end of the week Bramble, and had my shots a couple of weeks ago... Dried up here late in the evening...
    I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

    ...utterly nutterly


    • Originally posted by Tripmeup View Post
      I suppose I could start packing for my trip to India.. Have to do it sometime...
      Yes, get it done soon so that you don't forget stuff!
      My brother flew into Delhi last night, he caught the 9.15 flight. He's going to the Pushkar Camel fair. I was at a friends having dinner (I always take my phone but never use it - just for emergencies! ) Phone went at 9.00pm, I apologised to everyone and asked would they mind if I took it as it was my brother - he rarely calls me and I knew he was due to fly. He said "I'm just about to board the plane, can you get me some travel insurance?!!!

      Remember to spray your bed with mozzie stuff 10 mins before you get in it!
      Last edited by Scarlet; 15-11-2015, 08:04 PM.


      • Evenin all!

        Just popping in to say how do.
        Early start tomorrow ( 2am) to set off to catch the morning ferry back home.
        Looks like they are running on time.
        Had a brill time here, seeing the family pre Xmas.

        Car filled to the roof with radiators, extractor fans, Xmas food I can't get in France....and lots of muddy, wet clothing from spending 2 days living off grid in the Lake District!!

        Looking forward to seeing Hibou again...and getting stuck into the kitchen ....and Xmas Fair crafting! ( and my own bed - but that always goes without saying doesn't it????)

        Have a good time in India Trip!
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • Morning All The weather can't make it's mind up what to do this morning. I can - I have to go to work. Have a safe journey Nicos, hope you've found room for some Hendersons in your car. Have a good day All.
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • I suppose I could start packing for my trip to India.. Have to do it sometime...

            Have a wonderful time, we visited a few years ago, an amazing country, full of 'different sights, and smells'. An experience you will never forget.
            Last edited by Scarlet; 16-11-2015, 08:42 AM. Reason: fixing Quote


            • Morning everyone, it's horrible and grey and miserable here, hate it.


              • Morning
                Just a quick visit to the vine this morning, because I'm working today. This work stuff just gets in the way


                • Good morning,

                  Bet Hibou is so excited to see you, i also bet that you see a vast improvement on her not being there. I want to hear about all these goodies so i can feel jealous.....

                  It is a bit chilly this morning, wrapped up all warm, off to another different hospital and i have no clue where it is for a body scan for Mr L. So will get the early and ask around.
                  Have a nice holiday trip.
                  Will try and get some seeds planted later been meaning to do it for ages!

                  Have a good day.
                  I grow 70% for us and 30% for the snails, then the neighbours eats them



                  • Morning all. Looks nice and bright today. Looking forward to a nice walk today. Hope everyone has a nice day yes work stuff sure does get in the way of fun sometimes as well, Small Pumpkin!
                    LOVE growing food to eat in my little town back garden. Winter update: currently growing overwintering onions, carrots, lettuce, chard, salad leaves, kale, cabbage, radish, beetroot, garlic, broccoli raab, some herbs.


                    • Morning all. Its a dry and breezy day here. Off out for my walk this morning. Its great to get out of the house after all the bad weather.
                      Have a good day all and stay safe.

                      And when your back stops aching,
                      And your hands begin to harden.
                      You will find yourself a partner,
                      In the glory of the garden.

                      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                      • Morning all. Well what a dreadful weekend weather wise! Our town was practically cut off all day Saturday with the main arterial road north completely blocked due to flooding. It has been raining now for days, today it's showery but the showers are coming through fast and are heavy. Will be sinking under the weight of the water soon.

                        Have a great trip to India Trip! Safe home Nicos, remember a Hibou update when you get there.

                        Enjoy your day everyone.


                        • Afternoon,
                          Just got back home, nipped into Lidl and bought some powered cappuccino, its actually not that bad going down nicely anyway
                          Need to go out later and do a bit of work in the garden, i must i must i must
                          I grow 70% for us and 30% for the snails, then the neighbours eats them



                          • Good evening,

                            Sorry I have not been chatty for the past few days. I've been around even tho I have not commented on anything. I've also had a few days off work, got to go in the office tomorrow. Nothing to worry about, I am fine.

                            Went and bought a Christmas tree the other day. My OH said we are putting it up now since we have bought it. He said he has not paid so much for the tree and the ornaments for the tree to be only out for a couple off weeks and then put back in it's box for most of the year.
                            So yep the tree it up


                            • Evening all. Well I have finally finished digging the allotment over. My back is now really aching. I hadn't realised that the last bit was heavy clay until I was nearly at the end so decided that I would finish it no matter what. Wish I hadn't now.
                              Will has lost his first milk tooth at school today. Thankfully he didn't swallow it like Han did. He has another wobbly one so tooth fairy could be visiting us again this week.
                              Have a good evening everyone.


                              • Good evening Folks, miserable weather here at present, some heavy rain and cold wind, but it didnt stop me getting some seaweed this morning, and there is plenty of it with these winds, got two big bags, should have left OH at shore and would have had room for more, Im jokin,( just incase she sees this)
                                Also finished the papering today, now have to wait till it dries out, wonder how long it will take to finish the painting? ah well might have it finished for Christmas!! but what one? if the G.R. had been open I would have bought drinks all round.
                                Well I wish you all a good night, and if you believe that last bit, you will believe ony thing.
                                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


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