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How self sufficient are you?


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  • #16
    2nd year of growing so no where near self sufficient. First year was not too bad, had loads of the usual veggies but this year virtually nothing. A few runner beans and some toms and some onions, that's about it. The odd raspberry and plum too. Needless to say if I had to survive on what I grew, life would be very short indeed!


    • #17
      Forgot to say, fabulous house VC!


      • #18
        1st year of growing in this house. It was a bad year. Am self sufficient in garlic, runner beans and potatoes. Had enough to hopefully last all year. Have chickens for eggs, they were meant to be for meat too but I have gone soft I'm afraid. Hopping to get pigs, bees, geese, more chickens and ducks next year. Have a horse so loads of poo for the garden.
        Dogs have masters, cats have slaves, and horses are just wonderful


        • #19
          I'm self-sufficient in quite a few things, and nearly in others, but I am still learning so much each season and I know we will never be at 100%. I did the totting up the harvest value thing in 2014 and got to 170kg of produce worth �470ish, based on working essentially a quarter plot. Now more of it (and the new plot) is under cultivation I'm going to give the exercise another go next year. Am looking forward to seeing what I come up with.
 - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


          • #20
            Garden is too small to be self-sufficiant but enjoy growing and eating the veg. that I manage to grow, and NVG. wives can also be kill-joys,
            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


            • #21
              I dont have enough space to be self-sufficient, but I do quite well considering. It is my dream to be entirely self-sufficient. One day...!


              • #22
                I am mostly on veg, and only buy the odd treat (apart from mushrooms,i love mushrooms) as i hate the fact that it has been grown 100�s of miles away, god knows how old and sprayed with all sorts.
                I keep 3/4 freezers which i fill with things that i cannot grow in the winter or summer, in that i have all my own pasta sauces, soups, chutneys, roasted veg. I also jar and pickle a good few things.
                Chickens for eggs and we do not eat meat.
                Harvest is soon for the olives for oil so hopefully will not buy anymore of that and it replaces other things like butter a lot.

                P.s very impressed SP, no wonder your MOM
                I grow 70% for us and 30% for the snails, then the neighbours eats them



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