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It gets earlier every year - and I've given in.


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  • It gets earlier every year - and I've given in.

    It is only November but I've noticed lots of Christmas crap in the shops already and Channel 5 seems to be running continual festive films which I've been studiously avoiding.

    I do like to be organised though so on Monday I did make a Christmas cake (half eaten now would you believe).I'll make another this week.

    Yesterday I made the Christmas Puds, a big one for Christmas dinner, next size down to give to my sister and a couple of little ones to use up the mix.

    I actually put them all away in a cupboard this morning.

    This afternoon I went into the lounge to find my hubby watching "White Christmas" on some obscure TV channel.

    I gave in and we had one of the little Christmas puds with brandy cream to finish our dinner (just to make sure they were okay of course)

    So yes much as I moan I am guilty of letting Christmas creep into November.

    Am I alone in this??

  • #2
    I don't let Christmas creep into December either.
    Really can't be bothered - its just too commercial these days.
    Bah Humbug and all that


    • #3
      I absolutely refuse to think about Christmas till November. This year we have OH's family and we will be 23 for dinner. I will only start to plan it all in December. I make home made crackers with special jokes relevant to the family and everyone gets a little gift that has been personalised. We did it 2 years ago and had a brilliant time. Hope it will be the same this year, but for me the planning will start in December.
      Dogs have masters, cats have slaves, and horses are just wonderful


      • #4
        Our plans are all made for the 'big' day.

        Mooch around Lincoln with the 100's of others - must remember to take a flask this year and then home for an egg and chip lunch.

        I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

        Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Bal View Post
          . This year we have OH's family and we will be 23 for dinner.
          !! That's some catering exercise! How do you manage? Here I don't think we'd even have enough plates, to start with.
          My blog:



          • #6
            Originally posted by greenishfing View Post

            So yes much as I moan I am guilty of letting Christmas creep into November.

            Am I alone in this??


            • #7
              Away in the van so the military precision organisation starts of presents before and drink for van.....check blankets,heaters,towels etc in van...move van up drive make sure battery charged...water pipes clean and flushed...get on site Xmas eve...set up..sit down with a large one relax and don't do much for 9 days.....ahhhh pure bliss


              • #8
                We really do not do xmas, never had a tree and do not do the pressies thing, only for the kids. Since we moved out here it has just been a few pennies sent to them instead. So 2 years of it just being the 2 of us, it is creeping up on me, my family are arriving boxing day at 5pm, so i am going to surprise everyone with a massive all the works xmas dinner, with crackers and hats and presents. I feel in the mood this year. So i am excited and i have already bought one present a ridiculously big bottle of beer for my dad.
                I grow 70% for us and 30% for the snails, then the neighbours eats them



                • #9
                  I make my Christmas cards any time during the year then everything else gets ignored until mid December then its hits me how close Christmas is.
                  Location....East Midlands.


                  • #10
                    I hate the fact that the shops sneak Christmas in earlier and earlier every year. The kids toy adverts are shocking. The prices of some of the stuff is out of this world. Thankfully my two would just like the usual books, jigsaws, and some crafty art stuff. Think the most expensive thing we have bought so far is a �5.99 top for Han and that was reduced at Tesco's. Its very pink and girly and she will love it. We have a set budget of �30 or less for both of them. Sounds a bit tight but if you shop about a bit you can find some pretty decent stuff for reasonable money. Like I have pointed out to them both there are kids out there that don't get anything for Christmas so they are lucky.
                    Going to have the usual argument with my mom who thinks we should have a massive turkey crown. There's only the two of us that would be eating it and it would end up being wasted.
                    I intend to do my last bit of shopping about the Tuesday as Christmas is on the Friday. Then if its not in the house then surely we can do without for one day.


                    • #11
                      My birthday is still nearly 2 weeks away. From childhood I've always refused to think about Christmas until that is behind me.

                      But then I'll join the crowd and get busy with advent decorations and put up the advent tree. It's been a while since the stuff has lasted past about the 7th day of Christmas, by new year we're fed up with the whole exercise.
                      My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                      Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                      • #12
                        I don't start till 1st Dec, other than making the cake and mincemeat. I am making lists now tho, and am really looking forward to my first Christmas in nearly 10 years where there is no driving or flying north. Christmas for us is on 24th, with Scandi traditions including compulsory viewing of Dinner for One.

                        Really looking forward to festive films - ie Elf!
                        Last edited by sparrow100; 22-11-2015, 09:53 AM.
               - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


                        • #13
                          For me, Christmas does not start until December and I am heartily sick already looking at tv ads trying to brain wash and pressure me into buying stuff I dont want or need.
                          The only consession I make is getting my grandkids gifts early as sometimes toys can sell out if its a popular item.

                          And when your back stops aching,
                          And your hands begin to harden.
                          You will find yourself a partner,
                          In the glory of the garden.

                          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                          • #14
                            My trees/bunting/candles usually come out on the first weekend of December, but then they get put away pretty sharpish after Boxing day. Can't bear the stuff hanging about once it's over all for another year.


                            • #15
                              I quite like Christmas films but to quote someone else "There are 12 days of Christmas and not one of them is in November"

                              We've missed this offer too -
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