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Tumble dryer recall.


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  • Tumble dryer recall.

    Just heard the following:-

    Large air vented and condensing dryers under the Hotpoint, Indesit and Creda brands sold between April 2004 and Oct 2015 have a significantly increased fire risk.

    Manufacturer's advice is that you can still use them but they should not be left unattended.

    They have set up a dedicated web site where you can find out more and arrange a free repair if necessary.
    Potty by name Potty by nature.

    By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

    We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

    Aesop 620BC-560BC


  • #2
    Thanks Potty. Here's a link to the website Safety Notice - Tumble Dryers


    • #3
      thanks Potty. Our tumbler packed up just before I went into hospital a month or so back. We'll be looking for a new one shortly and will be avoiding these brands for now


      • #4
        Thanks VC glad someone knows how to do techie things.
        Potty by name Potty by nature.

        By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

        We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

        Aesop 620BC-560BC



        • #5
          My pleasure, Potty
          My Tumble dryer went in the skip 10 years ago and haven't missed it.


          • #6
            SWMBO being SWMBO she still washes our sons work clothes, mind you he does use public transport so changes when he gets here in the morning, but it does make a tumbler dryer useful on occasions.
            Potty by name Potty by nature.

            By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

            We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

            Aesop 620BC-560BC



            • #7
              I have never had a tumbler dryer, but i must say i used to love putting my work clothes into my parents for a minute before putting them on in the morning, although i used to stand waiting freezing whilst waiting. crazy i know
              I grow 70% for us and 30% for the snails, then the neighbours eats them



              • #8
                Thanks Potty and VC, I have just checked and mine, bought in 2014, in one of those affected. I have registered with the company but I must admit I do clean the fluff out all the time as we had a bad experience years ago where the tumble dryer did catch fire. Luckily we did smell it before it caused any harm.


                • #9
                  Thanks for that Pots...I'm OK fortunately- but it's really good to be alerted to these things!
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • #10
                    oh dear

                    I checked my machines details this morning smug in the knowledge mine was fine, only to find it was effected. I keep it in good condition and fluff free, but now I've got to wait up to 5 weeks for them to get in touch.

                    That'll be nice over Christmas 🎅!!
                    Blogging at.....


                    • #11
                      Mine was far too old to be affected. Did check though lol
                      I hardly ever use it
                      Nannys make memories


                      • #12
                        Aparently ours is 1,filled in the on form,but at the end it asked for the date of purchace,have spent the last 2 hours searching though paperwork,anything but,all through bank statements,grrr,found web sites on line to fined out the year from the no's,to that being no good,as it says only use the serial no starting with letters,err not mine,the only letters are are the model no,been trying to ring curried store of purchase up,will not answer phone,am having an earned brake,then back to try their 0800 no,thanks to say no,i know it.s well within 11 years,

                        Seasprout,whilst looking at the various threads,a person from leicestershire said,that they were being delivered a new one this friday,,others said same as you,got to wait 5 weeks,

                        to cut a story short,anyone who cannot find the receipt,if you ring hotpoint recall on 0800151905,after the wafffle a voice will answer,give them the model and cerial no,with a rough time you had it,i was tolled,i would be contacted within 7 days with regards to it,
                        Last edited by lottie dolly; 24-11-2015, 04:27 PM. Reason: update
                        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                        • #13
                          Damn mine is affected too. Now I hate this because I use to dry my stuff when I'm not at home or a night time. I have to ask extra time off work so I can supervise the machine lol. Thanks a lot potty. One thing I hate is that they don't tell you anything. I bought that last year and I have register the appliance for the warranty so they have all the machine model and serial number and our detail. So why they don't phone or sent even email that are free to get in touch for a recall? They do like get money and calling you to offer extended warranty and other stuff but not calling you for warning you that if you put your drier at night and set on fire you could die. And the government and company don't do nothing to punish them


                          • #14
                            Sorry Pots - but what about washer-dryers ?

                            (It's about time I start paying for this chap's advice)
                            .......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)

                            My Youtube Channel -


                            • #15
                              Its only tumble dryers, Kelvin.

                              That'll be �20 or a large glass of red wine, thank you


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